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- <title>Babylon 5 - Worldwide Schedules</title>
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- <p>
- Schedule information (past, present, or future) is available for the following
- countries.
- <ul>
- <li> Africa
- <ul>
- <li> <a href="za/eplist.html">South Africa</a>
- </ul>
- <li> Asia / Middle East
- <ul>
- <li> <a href="cy/eplist.html">Cyprus</a> (also Jordan, Israel,
- Lebanon)
- <li> <a href="hk/eplist.html">Hong Kong</a>
- <li> <a href="id/eplist.html">Indonesia</a>
- <li> <a href="il/eplist.html">Israel</a> (see also Middle East)
- <li> <a href="jo/eplist.html">Jordan</a>
- <li> <a href="my/eplist.html">Malaysia</a> (see Indonesia)
- <li> Middle East: Tuesdays 11PM MET on the ORBIT satellite system's
- America Plus channel
- <li> <a href="pk/eplist.html">Pakistan</a>
- <li> <a href="sg/eplist.html">Singapore</a>
- <li> Thailand: no schedule details available
- </ul>
- <li> Australia / Pacific
- <ul>
- <li> <a href="au/eplist.html">Australia</a>
- <li> <a href="nz/eplist.html">New Zealand</a>
- <li> <a href="ph/eplist.html">Philippines</a>
- </ul>
- <li> Europe
- <ul>
- <li> <a href="at/eplist.html">Austria</a>
- <li> <a href="be/eplist.html">Belgium</a>
- <li> <a href="cz/eplist.html">Czech Republic</a>
- <li> <a href="fi/eplist.html">Finland</a>
- <li> <a href="fr/eplist.html">France</a>
- <li> <a href="http://www.midwinter.de/lurk/episodes.php">Germany
- (and most of Europe via satellite)</a>
- -- <strong>This link leads to the German translation
- of the Lurker's Guide.</strong>
- <li> <a href="gr/eplist.html">Greece</a>
- <li> <a href="hu/eplist.html">Hungary</a>
- <li> <a href="it/eplist.html">Italy</a>
- <li> <a href="nl/eplist.html">The Netherlands</a>
- <li> <a href="no/eplist.html">Norway</a>
- <li> <a href="pl/eplist.html">Poland</a>
- <li> <a href="pt/eplist.html">Portugal</a>
- <li> <a href="ru/eplist.html">Russia</a>
- <li> <a href="si/eplist.html">Slovenia</a>
- <li> <a href="es/eplist.html">Spain</a>
- <li> <a href="se/eplist.html">Sweden</a>
- <li> Ukraine - ICTV
- <li> <a href="uk/eplist.html">United Kingdom</a>
- </ul>
- <li> North America
- <ul>
- <li> <a href="ca/eplist.html">Canada</a>
- <li> <a href="mx/eplist.html">Mexico</a>
- <li> <a href="us/eplist.html">United States</a> (except
- <a href="pr/eplist.html">Puerto Rico</a>)
- </ul>
- <li> South / Central America
- <ul>
- <li> <a href="wbtv/eplist.html">WBTV</a>
- (the Warner Bros. Channel) in Brazil, Argentina, and elsewhere
- in South America.
- <li> <a href="cl/eplist.html">Chile</a>
- <li> <a href="co/eplist.html">Colombia</a>
- <li> <a href="cr/eplist.html">Costa Rica</a>
- <li> Dominican Republic (Wednesdays 8PM, Channel 7)
- <li> Ecuador - see Spain (TVE-1 is available on cable)
- <li> <a href="pe/eplist.html">Peru</a>
- </ul>
- </ul>
- <pre>
- </pre>
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- <h5>
- Last update:
- February 10, 2005
- </h5>
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