- <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
- <blockquote><cite>
- While G'Kar and Garibaldi
- are trapped in the core of Babylon 5, Captain Sheridan races to save
- them and stop a Narn assassination at the same time.
- </cite></blockquote>
- <p>
- Issue 10 (November 1995)
- <p>
- Setting: Between
- <a href="/lurk/guide/025.html">"The Geometry of Shadows"</a>
- and
- <a href="/lurk/guide/026.html">"A Distant Star"</a>
- <pre> Writer: David Gerrold
- Penciller: Rebecca Guay
- Inker: Rick Bryant</pre>
- <p>
- <hr>
- <p>
- <h2><a name="SY">Synopsis</a></h2>
- <p>
- Sheridan breathes a sigh of relief as he barely makes it onto the shuttle.
- He accuses Greegil of trying to kill him; Greegil denies it.
- <p>
- The cleaning robot chases Garibaldi and G'Kar through the station axis.
- As they somehow propel themselves forward, the robot grabs Garibaldi's
- boot and pulls it off, slowing down to process it. G'Kar suggests that
- Garibaldi feed it more; Garibaldi volunteers G'Kar's boots. G'Kar refuses
- and suggests they play another game of laser-mirror-starweb to decide
- whose boot will be next. G'Kar cheats. Garibaldi tosses a boot to the
- robot and grabs G'Kar, demanding to know what's going on. G'Kar reveals
- that he received a message telling him an assassin by the name of Greegil
- D'Farkin was coming to Babylon 5 to kill him.
- <p>
- Sheridan manages to stabilize the shuttle, but its diagnostics
- show "massive decalibration in the external transfibulator phase controllers"
- as well as damage to the oxygen recyclers. Sheridan dons a suit to go out
- and fix the transfibulator antennas, and advises Greegil not to waste their
- air complaining about the situation.
- <p>
- Garibaldi and G'Kar continue to flee the robot. G'Kar notes that he promised
- his clan he would die honorably; Garibaldi says he intends to die in bed, on
- his 92nd birthday, in the arms of a beautiful redhead, shot by her jealous
- husband. G'Kar is puzzled; Garibaldi would be doing the husband a great
- service. As the robot nears, they play another laser-mirror-starweb game.
- This time, Garibaldi cheats more outrageously than G'Kar does, and G'Kar
- tosses a boot to the robot.
- <p>
- Sheridan fixes the problem and finds that Greegil has locked him outside in
- space. He reminds Greegil that he has the code key to operate the ship, and
- uses that to bargain for information: why G'Kar fled. Greegil says his job
- is to stop G'Kar from sabotaging Babylon 5. Abruptly, Sheridan is back
- inside the ship. He proposes using electrolysis to produce oxygen from the
- ship's water supply.
- <p>
- G'Kar and Garibaldi float away from the robot in their undershorts; it's
- still gaining. Garibaldi spots a maintenance hatch and pops it open; the
- two of them leave the inside of the axis tube and hang by handrails high
- above the Garden while the robot passes. Garibaldi doesn't let G'Kar back
- inside until he has the truth about Greegil: he's chasing G'Kar because
- of a woman, Greegil's wife, in fact. G'Kar refused to have sex with her to
- seal an alliance between two clans,
- even though it was his obligation as a high-ranking clansman; that was a
- grave insult to Greegil, who vowed revenge.
- <p>
- Sheridan's shuttle returns to Babylon 5; Sheridan places Greegil under
- arrest. Ivanova reports that G'Kar and Garibaldi are still missing.
- <p>
- Garibaldi somehow displays a message on the outside of the axis tube,
- indicating their location to the security staff and Sheridan. When the two
- of them emerge from the tube, Sheridan, Greegil, and a security team are
- waiting. Garibaldi arrests G'Kar for kidnapping him.
- <p>
- In a security station, G'Kar, Greegil, Garibaldi, and Sheridan argue about
- whether Greegil should be allowed to kill G'Kar. Greegil even presents a
- license, signed by the council of clans. Sheridan dismisses it as invalid
- on his station. Greegil pulls out a laser pistol. Garibaldi and G'Kar
- duck behind a nearby mirrored table, reflecting the laser beam. Sheridan
- calls out for a starweb, which one of the security staff gladly fires at
- Greegil.
- <p>
- G'Kar and Garibaldi walk away together. G'Kar explains that sleeping with
- Greegil's wife would have shifted the balance of power among the five clans...
- "And besides, she wasn't attractive enough to justify a war."
- <p>
- Elsewhere, Sheridan admits to Ivanova that they can't really press charges
- against G'Kar... but keeping him busy with lawyers for a while will be
- punishment enough.
- <H2><A NAME="BP">Backplot</A></H2>
- Take with a grain of salt; inconsistencies with the series abound in this
- story, and none of it should probably be considered canon.
- <ul>
- <li> Narn aristocrats consider education beneath them, something for
- servants.
- <li> There are five main Narn clans; G'Kar belongs to one of them.
- <li> Narn alliances are sealed with sexual liaisons.
- </ul>
- <H2><A NAME="UQ">Unanswered Questions</A></H2>
- <H2><A NAME="AN">Analysis</A></H2>
- <H2><A NAME="NO">Notes</A></H2>
- <H2><A NAME="JMS">jms speaks</A></H2>
- <ul>
- <li> I wasn't terribly pleased with the artwork on 9 and 10, I thought it
- could've been much better. As for the story, David Gerrold had proposed
- (and written) that as an outline for an episode; I said I didn't think
- it worked for our show. Which opened the door for DC to pick it up,
- and since he felt so strongly that it *did* work, I figured I'd let him
- proceed.
- </ul>
- <pre>
- </pre>