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- <h1>The Vorlons and Ambassador Kosh</h1>
- <h3>as written by J. Michael Straczynski</h3>
- <p>
- Let's talk about the Vorlons...because there ain't much we can SAY about
- the Vorlons...because nobody <strong>knows</strong> anything about them.
- <p>
- In our opening movie, everyone's awaiting the arrival of the fifth and
- final ambassador (four if you don't count Sinclair) from the primary alien
- governments. He is a Vorlon, a race we have tried, without much success,
- to learn about ever since we first picked up their transmissions. Several
- scout ships were sent on First Contact missions. All of them met with
- unfortunate "accidents" upon entering Vorlon space.
- The Vorlons tendered their most <em>sincere</em> apologies.
- <p>
- And suggested no further expeditions.
- <p>
- Now, at last, with B5 becoming functional, and all of the <em>other</em>
- ambassadors in place, it no longer makes strategic sense to continue in
- their isolation. So the arrival of the Vorlon is a Big Deal. No human has
- ever even <strong>seen</strong> a Vorlon.
- <p>
- And they play it right up to the hilt. The ambassador -- Kosh Naranek --
- maintains only audio contact with B5 as his ship makes the long voyage,
- citing "problems" with video. He clearly doesn't want to broadcast the
- Vorlon face all over the quadrant. So no problem, after all, he has to
- arrive eventually, and they'll see him then.
- <p>
- Not quite.
- <p>
- The ship arrives. The Vorlon ambassador emerges from his ship...and well,
- y'see, he comes from a very different environment. Lots of methane and
- CO2. Our atmosphere is poisonous to Vorlons. So he emerges wearing an
- Encounter Suit...which covers every square inch of his body except for his
- hands -- assuming those <strong>are</strong> his hands -- with a dark faceplate in the
- front. The only place he can remove all of that is in his quarters, and
- there are no vids in his quarters, no way to observe him or see his true
- face.
- <p>
- So...even now, no human has <strong>still</strong> ever seen a Vorlon.
- <p>
- Well, that's not <em>entirely</em> true.
- Legend has it that one human saw a Vorlon. A pilot who crashed, off
- course, on a Vorlon colony.
- <p>
- According to that legend, the human who saw a Vorlon...was turned to stone.
- But, after all, it's only a legend.
- <p>
- <hr>
- <p>
- <h4>Why are the Vorlons allowed to participate in Babylon 5?</h4>
- <p>
- The Vorlons are the great unknown. They occupy a *huge* sector of space.
- No expedition ever sent to Vorlon space has ever returned, or sent back word.
- No human had ever even *seen* a Vorlon prior to Kosh's arrival on B5. Their
- technology is vastly superior to just about everyone else's. To unravel the
- mystery, to maybe get a *piece* of their tech, is more than sufficient
- inducement, I'd think.
- <p>
- <hr>
- <p>
- We will reveal what Kosh is a LOT sooner than year 5. Closer to the end
- of year 2.
- <p>
- <hr>
- <p>
- <em>Is Kosh what he/she/it appears to be?</em>
- <p>
- Kosh is always and forever *exactly* what he appears to be, no less
- and no more. At the same time, Kosh is absolutely *nothing* like what
- he appears to be.
- <p>
- These are not contradictory statements.
- <p>
- And this is about the straightest answer I've given yet on the
- subject, believe it or not.
- <pre>
- </pre>
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- <h5>
- Last update:
- October 8, 1995
- </h5>
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