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- <title>What's New - 1995</title>
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- <h1 align=center>What was New - 1995</h1>
- <dl>
- <p>
- <dt>December 22, 1995
- <dd>
- Much delayed by my lack of time, a
- <a href="synops/048.html">synopsis</a>
- of
- <a href="guide/048.html">"Passing Through Gethsemane"</a>
- is online.
- <p>
- <dt>December 14, 1995
- <dd>
- A
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/Prodigy/951211-bruce">transcript</a>
- of a December 11 Prodigy chat session with Bruce Boxleitner is
- available.
- <p>
- <dt>December 12, 1995
- <dd>
- <a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
- <a href="/lurk/p5/048">results</a>
- for
- <a href="/lurk/guide/048.html">"Passing Through Gethsemane"</a>
- are available.
- <p>
- <dt>December 10, 1995
- <dd>
- JMS's messages from
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/America-Online/">America Online</a>
- are now being archived (see the file "latest" for the current month's
- messages.) They are also searchable via the
- <a href="/lurk/search.html">Find</a>
- page.
- <p>
- The
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/History.Babylonia.html">history of Babylonia</a>
- file has been HTMLified. Thanks to Hallvard B Furuseth.
- <p>
- Switched to the table-based Newsflash section on the home page.
- The vast majority of responses were positive; the only complaints came
- from users of NCSA Mosaic for X, which has had extremely broken table
- support recently. However, such users can upgrade to the latest beta
- release of Mosaic, which should make the Newsflash section readable.
- Users of non-table-enabled browsers probably won't notice any
- difference.
- <p>
- The
- <a href="credits/041.html">onscreen credits</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/041.html">"Divided Loyalties"</a>
- are online. Thanks to Dan Dassow.
- <p>
- <dt>December 7, 1995
- <dd>
- The flow of
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/CompuServe/">JMS CompuServe messages</a>
- should be back up to speed now.
- <p>
- <dt>December 6, 1995
- <dd>
- Some episode pages have been shuffled around in the past couple days.
- If you select an episode and get a different episode's page, use
- your browser's reload function and you should get the right page.
- <p>
- I'm considering a slight format change to the Newsflash section on
- the home page. Have a look at the
- <a href="lurker2.html">alternate version</a>
- and let me know if you object. I know some people are pretty
- religious about not using tables for formatting, but this <em>is</em>
- tabular information. In particular I want to know if it breaks
- anyone's browser; I believe I've structured it such that it'll look
- fine on browsers without table support. (No need to tell me it works
- in Netscape.) If you're using Mosaic for X, you might want to upgrade
- to the latest beta release, which doesn't break horribly on tables like
- the most recent previous releases have.
- <p>
- <dt>December 5, 1995
- <dd>
- A list of
- <a href="universe/appearances-3.html">character appearances</a>
- for the first part of season three is available.
- <p>
- The
- <a href="credits/048.html">onscreen credits</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/048.html">"Passing Through Gethsemane"</a>
- are online.
- <p>
- <dt>December 4, 1995
- <dd>
- A transcript of a
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/CompuServe/jms-95-12-02">real-time chat session</a>
- with JMS on CompuServe on December 2 is available.
- <p>
- <dt>November 29, 1995
- <dd>
- A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ</a>
- is online.
- <p>
- A
- <a href="synops/047.html">synopsis</a>
- of
- <a href="guide/047.html">"A Day In the Strife"</a>
- is online.
- <p>
- <dt>November 28, 1995
- <dd>
- <a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
- <a href="/lurk/p5/047">results</a>
- for
- <a href="/lurk/guide/047.html">"A Day in the Strife"</a>
- are available.
- <p>
- <dt>November 27, 1995
- <dd>
- A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/b5tvaddresses.txt">TV station address list</a>
- is online.
- <p>
- The
- <a href="credits/047.html">onscreen credits</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/047.html">"A Day In the Strife"</a>
- are online.
- <p>
- <dt>November 23, 1995
- <dd>
- <a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
- <a href="/lurk/p5/046">results</a>
- for
- <a href="/lurk/guide/046.html">"Convictions"</a>
- are available.
- <p>
- <dt>November 21, 1995
- <dd>
- The onscreen credits are now searchable via the
- <a href="/lurk/search.html">Find</a>
- page.
- <p>
- The
- <a href="credits/046.html">onscreen credits</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/046.html">"Convictions"</a>
- are online.
- <p>
- A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/b5tvaddresses.txt">TV station address list</a>
- is online.
- <p>
- <dt>November 18, 1995
- <dd>
- New versions of the science-fiction television
- <a href="/ftp/pub/TV/sftv-sched">schedule</a>
- and
- <a href="/ftp/pub/TV/sftv-titles">titles</a>
- files are online.
- <p>
- A full
- <a href="synops/046.html">synopsis</a>
- of
- <a href="guide/046.html">"Convictions"</a>
- is online.
- <p>
- <dt>November 16, 1995
- <dd>
- The
- <a href="synops/042.html">synopsis</a>
- of
- <a href="guide/042.html">"The Long, Twilight Struggle"</a>
- is illustrated.
- <p>
- <dt>November 15, 1995
- <dd>
- The
- <a href="synops/041.html">synopsis</a>
- of
- <a href="guide/041.html">"Divided Loyalties"</a>
- is illustrated.
- <p>
- <dt>November 13, 1995
- <dd>
- <a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
- <a href="/lurk/p5/045">results</a>
- for
- <a href="/lurk/guide/045.html">"Matters of Honor"</a>
- are available.
- <p>
- The
- <a href="credits/045.html">onscreen credits</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/045.html">"Matters of Honor"</a>
- are online.
- <p>
- The
- <a href="synops/044.html">synopsis</a>
- of
- <a href="guide/044.html">"The Fall of Night"</a>
- is illustrated. Other recent episodes will follow shortly.
- <p>
- A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/b5tvaddresses.txt">TV station address list</a>
- is online.
- <p>
- A full
- <a href="synops/045.html">synopsis</a>
- of
- <a href="guide/045.html">"Matters of Honor"</a>
- is online.
- <p>
- <dt>November 10, 1995
- <dd>
- A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/b5faq-german">German B5 FAQ</a>
- is online. See also the
- <a href="http://www.uni-muenster.de/WiWi/home/teschne/faqindex.htm">hypertext</a>
- version.
- <p>
- <dt>November 9, 1995
- <dd>
- A schedule for
- <a href="countries/hk/episodes.php">Hong Kong</a>
- is online.
- <p>
- The listing of past reruns has been removed from the
- <a href="countries/us/episodes.php">US/Canada episode list</a>
- and moved to a new
- <a href="countries/us/old.html">historical schedule</a>
- page. That should cut down on loading time for the regular episode
- list.
- <p>
- <dt>November 7, 1995
- <dd>
- The
- <a href="credits/044.html">onscreen credits</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/044.html">"The Fall of Night"</a>
- are online.
- <p>
- <dt>November 6, 1995
- <dd>
- <a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
- <a href="/lurk/p5/044">results</a>
- for
- <a href="/lurk/guide/044.html">"The Fall of Night"</a>
- are available.
- <p>
- A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/b5tvaddresses.txt">TV station address list</a>
- is online.
- <p>
- New copies of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/chronology-spoiled.txt">spoiler</a>
- and
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/chronology.txt">non-spoiler</a>
- chronology files are online.
- <p>
- <dt>November 5, 1995
- <dd>
- A batch of
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/GEnie/">JMS GEnie messages</a>
- from September and October (mostly October) is online. If
- any GEnie users out there have been saving JMS' messages, please
- let me know; the archive is missing a lot of them.
- <p>
- <dt>November 4, 1995
- <dd>
- A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ</a>
- is online.
- <p>
- <dt>October 30, 1995
- <dd>
- <a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
- <a href="/lurk/p5/043">results</a>
- for
- <a href="/lurk/guide/043.html">"Comes the Inquisitor"</a>
- are available.
- <p>
- The
- <a href="credits/043.html">onscreen credits</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/043.html">"Comes the Inquisitor"</a>
- are online.
- <p>
- <dt>October 29, 1995
- <dd>
- The Background pages for most of the season-two episodes now contain
- a more concise summary of season one. Thanks to Katrina Glerum
- (kat@gol.com).
- <p>
- <dt>October 28, 1995
- <dd>
- The
- <a href="credits/042.html">onscreen credits</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/042.html">"The Long, Twilight Struggle"</a>
- have been transcribed.
- <p>
- <dt>October 27, 1995
- <dd>
- A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ</a>
- is online.
- <p>
- <dt>October 26, 1995
- <dd>
- A <a href="/lurk/ftp/America-Online/jms-bruce-2.txt">transcript</a>
- of the Oct. 25 America Online chat session with Bruce Boxleitner and
- JMS is available.
- <p>
- Hyperion's Web server has been upgraded; problems with hung connections
- ought to be cleared up as a result. Let me know if you have problems.
- <p>
- <dt>October 24, 1995
- <dd>
- <a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
- <a href="/lurk/p5/042">results</a>
- for
- <a href="/lurk/guide/042.html">"The Long, Twilight Struggle"</a>
- are available.
- <p>
- <dt>October 20, 1995
- <dd>
- The last several months' worth of
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/CompuServe/index.html">JMS CompuServe messages</a>
- are now searchable via the
- <a href="/lurk/search.html">Find page.</a>
- Earlier messages won't be indexed for a while since they're stored
- in the archive in a different format.
- <p>
- <dt>October 19, 1995
- <dd>
- A new version of the
- <a href="making/write-direct.html">writers/directors list</a>
- has been installed. It uses tables, but is designed to look
- nearly as good on browsers without any table support. (It breaks on
- recent versions of NCSA Mosaic for X, which has severely buggy
- tables.)
- <p>
- <dt>October 18, 1995
- <dd>
- The
- <a href="nav/">Cache Loader</a>
- page now exists. Visit it before you explore the Guide and you'll
- preload most of the navigational images into your browser for faster
- access. There's a link to it toward the bottom of the home page.
- <p>
- The Last Updated List is back in a much friendlier, more useful
- form. See the link near the top of this page.
- <p>
- <dt>October 16, 1995
- <dd>
- <a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
- <a href="/lurk/p5/041">results</a>
- for
- <a href="/lurk/guide/041.html">"Divided Loyalties"</a>
- are available.
- <p>
- A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/b5tvaddresses.txt">TV station address list</a>
- is online.
- <p>
- New versions of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/cast.txt">cast</a>
- and
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/character.txt">character</a>
- lists are online.
- <p>
- <dt>October 14, 1995
- <dd>
- A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ</a>
- is online.
- <p>
- A guide page for the third novel,
- <a href="novels/003.html">"Blood Oath,"</a>
- is available.
- <p>
- The guide page for comic #11,
- <a href="comic/011.html">"The Psi Corps and You,"</a>
- has been fleshed out.
- <p>
- <dt>October 8, 1995
- <dd>
- New versions of the sci-fi TV
- <a href="/ftp/pub/TV/sftv-sched">schedule</a>
- and
- <a href="/ftp/pub/TV/sftv-titles">titles</a>
- files are online.
- <p>
- <dt>October 7, 1995
- <dd>
- A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/b5tvlist.txt">station/airtime list</a>
- is online. I have taken over maintaining the list; please send me
- corrections and additions. The list is also now available via
- the <a href="/lurk/reference/airtimes.shtml">Air Times</a> page
- in the Reference section.
- <p>
- <dt>October 3, 1995
- <dd>
- A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/b5tvaddresses.txt">TV station address list</a>
- is online.
- <p>
- <dt>September 25, 1995
- <dd>
- A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/soundtrack-index">soundtrack index</a>
- is online.
- <p>
- <dt>September 22, 1995
- <dd>
- A
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/Misc/doyle-rtc-950920">transcript</a>
- of a real-time chat with Jerry Doyle and Richard Biggs on eWorld
- is available.
- <p>
- <dt>September 18, 1995
- <dd>
- Fleshed out the guide page for the mercifully quick conclusion of the
- current comic storyline,
- <a href="comic/010.html">"Coda for Human and Narn in B Flat."</a>
- <p>
- <dt>September 15, 1995
- <dd>
- A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">FAQ List</a> is online.
- <p>
- <dt>September 11, 1995
- <dd>
- A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/soundtrack-index">soundtrack index</a>
- is online.
- <p>
- <dt>September 6, 1995
- <dd>
- New versions of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/chronology.txt">non-spoiler</a>
- and
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/chronology-spoiled.txt">spoiler</a>
- B5 Chronologies are online.
- <p>
- <dt>September 3, 1995
- <dd>
- Matthew Murray's synopses for the final four episodes are online.
- <dt>August 30, 1995
- <dd>
- Added a schedule page for
- <a href="countries/nl/episodes.php">the Netherlands.</a>
- <p>
- <dt>August 21, 1995
- <dd>
- The full, spoiler-filled versions of the guide pages for
- <a href="guide/043.html">"Comes the Inquisitor"</a>
- and
- <a href="guide/044.html">"The Fall of Night"</a>
- are online here. Many thanks to Jason Snell for maintaining them
- until now.
- <p>
- A new version of Edwin Yau's
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/uk-guide/">UK episode guide</a>
- is available on the FTP server. Presumably it contains major
- spoilers for the final four episodes.
- <p>
- <dt>August 20, 1995
- <dd>
- Steven Orso
- <a href="mailto:snorso@facstaff.wisc.edu"><snorso@facstaff.wisc.edu></a>
- has scoured the JMS archives from top to bottom and come
- up with hundreds of new items for the "jms speaks" sections of just
- about all the episode-guide pages, especially first-season ones.
- See them in the
- <a href="episodes.php">Episodes</a>
- section of the Guide.
- <p>
- The
- <a href="other-sources.html">Other Resources</a>
- page now has an extensive list of B5 articles in British magazines.
- Thanks to Peter McQuillan.
- <p>
- <dt>August 16, 1995
- <dd>
- Jason Snell's
- <a href="http://www.etext.org/Zines/InterText/jason/b5/044.html">spoiler
- page</a> for <a href="guide/044.html">"The Fall of Night"</a> now
- has a <a
- href="http://www.etext.org/Zines/InterText/jason/b5/044synop.html">synopsis.</a>
- <p>
- A new version of the
- <a href="misc/b5-appearances2.html">season two appearances chart</a>
- is online.
- <p>
- <dt>August 13, 1995
- <dd>
- A separate schedule for
- <a href="/lurk/countries/melbourne/episodes.php">Melbourne</a>
- is available, since it doesn't match up with the schedule
- in the rest of Australia.
- <p>
- <dt>August 12, 1995
- <dd>
- The
- <a href="episodes.php">"The Episodes"</a>
- link from the home page will now take you to the appropriate episode
- list for your country, if your domain name indicates which country
- you're connecting from. If you get the US/Canada episode list and
- there's an active schedule page for your country, please
- <a href="mailto:koreth@hyperion.com">send me mail</a>
- and I can update the guide to know where your particular domain is.
- You can get to a list of countries from any schedule page.
- <p>
- <dt>August 10, 1995
- <dd>
- Jason Snell's
- <a href="http://www.etext.org/Zines/InterText/jason/b5/043.html">spoiler
- page</a> for <a href="guide/043.html">"Comes the Inquisitor"</a> now
- has a <a
- href="http://www.etext.org/Zines/InterText/jason/b5/043synop.html">synopsis.</a>
- <p>
- <dt>August 9, 1995
- <dd>
- Fleshed out the guide page for comic issue 9,
- <a href="comic/009.html">"Duet for Human and Narn in C Sharp."</a>
- <p>
- <dt>August 8, 1995
- <dd>
- Jason Snell's spoiler pages for
- <a href="guide/041.html">"Divided Loyalties"</a>
- and
- <a href="guide/042.html">"The Long, Twilight Struggle"</a>
- are now online here. Please continue to send information about
- the last two episodes to Jason.
- <p>
- <dt>August 7, 1995
- <dd>
- Season one has started again in
- <a href="/lurk/countries/cr/episodes.php">Costa Rica.</a>
- <p>
- <dt>August 3, 1995
- <dd>
- A
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/CompuServe/doyle-95-07-20">transcript</a>
- of a July 20 real-time chat session with Jerry Doyle (Garibaldi) on
- CompuServe is available.
- <p>
- Jason Snell's
- <a href="http://www.etext.org/Zines/InterText/jason/b5/042.html">spoiler page</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/042.html">"The Long, Twilight Struggle"</a>
- now has a
- <a href="http://www.etext.org/Zines/InterText/jason/b5/042synop.html">synopsis.</a>
- <p>
- <dt>July 31, 1995
- <dd>
- A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">FAQ List</a> is online.
- <p>
- <dt>July 27, 1995
- <dd>
- A new version of
- <a href="/~koreth/uncgi.html">Un-CGI</a>,
- a utility to aid in the processing of HTML forms, is available.
- <p>
- <dt>July 26, 1995
- <dd>
- Jason Snell's
- <a href="http://www.etext.org/Zines/InterText/jason/b5/041.html">spoiler page</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/041.html">"Divided Loyalties"</a>
- now has a
- <a href="http://www.etext.org/Zines/InterText/jason/b5/041synop.html">synopsis.</a>
- For your convenience there's a link to that synopsis from the
- Lurker's Guide as well.
- <p>
- <dt>July 24, 1995
- <dd>
- Australian users may want to try the FTP server's newest mirror site,
- <a href="ftp://econ-www.newcastle.edu.au/pub/babylon-5/index.html">econ-www.newcastle.edu.au.</a>
- <p>
- <dt>July 22, 1995
- <dd>
- A new version of the B5 Quote Generator is available from the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/index.html">ftp server.</a>
- <p>
- There are now guide pages for the first six season-three episodes.
- They're all just about empty, but they're there.
- <p>
- <dt>July 17, 1995
- <dd>
- European users may want to try the FTP server's Swedish mirror site,
- <a href="ftp://ftp.ctrl-c.liu.se/babylon-5/index.html">ftp.ctrl-c.liu.se.</a>
- <p>
- <dt>July 15, 1995
- <dd>
- The following guide pages and synopses are now illustrated:
- <ul>
- <li> <a href="guide/036.html">"There All the Honor Lies"</a>
- <li> <a href="guide/037.html">"And Now For a Word"</a>
- <li> <a href="guide/038.html">"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum"</a>
- <li> <a href="guide/039.html">"Knives"</a>
- <li> <a href="guide/040.html">"Confessions and Lamentations"</a>
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>July 14, 1995
- <dd>
- Hyperion's Web server should be much, much faster now; we're getting
- connectivity from
- <a href="http://www.nextron.com/">Interactive Marketing Ventures,</a>
- resulting in significantly higher available bandwidth than we had
- before. As a result, a lot of the links that used to point to the
- <a href="ftp://ftp.uml.edu/Babylon-5/index.html">ftp.uml.edu</a>
- mirror site are now local instead. We hope you enjoy the new, faster
- Lurker's Guide. Please let us know if you encounter any problems
- with our new setup.
- <p>
- <dt>July 13, 1995
- <dd>
- Fleshed out the guide page for comic issue 8,
- <a href="comic/008.html">"Silent Enemies."</a>
- Note that it contains a spoiler for the as-yet-unaired TV episode
- <a href="guide/041.html">"Divided Loyalties."</a>
- <p>
- <dt>July 12, 1995
- <dd>
- The <a href="/lurk/ftp/Guide/">text-only versions</a> of the guide pages
- will now be updated automatically from the
- <a href="episodes.php">hypertext versions</a> once a day.
- <p>
- The "About the Lurker's Guide" and "Mini-FAQ" pages have been combined,
- with extra additions, into the new
- <a href="faq.html">Lurker's Guide FAQ</a>
- page.
- <p>
- <dt>July 6, 1995
- <dd>
- A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">FAQ List</a> is online.
- <p>
- <dt>July 3, 1995
- <dd>
- Matthew Murray's
- <a href="synops/039.html">synopsis</a>
- of
- <a href="guide/039.html">"Knives"</a>
- is online.
- <p>
- <dt>July 2, 1995
- <dd>
- A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/soundtrack-index">soundtrack index</a>
- is available on the ftp server.
- <p>
- <dt>July 1, 1995
- <dd>
- An <a href="misc/better-schedule.html">alternate ordering</a>
- of the episodes is available.
- <p>
- <dt>June 29, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> A <a href="/lurk/ftp/b5faq-german">German</a> version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">FAQ List</a> is online.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>June 23, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Babylon 5 begins in <a href="countries/de/episodes.php">Germany</a>
- on August 3.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>June 22, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Babylon 5 returns to <a href="countries/gr/episodes.php">Greece</a>
- in July.
- <li> New on the <a href="production.html">Behind the Scenes</a> page:
- <a href="misc/exec-prod.html">"What's an 'executive producer?'"</a>
- by JMS;
- <a href="http://www.futurenet.co.uk/computing/amigashopper/ThreeD/indexns.html">The Three Ds of 3D</a>
- by Mojo of Foundation Imaging.
- <li> A version of the home page without the background is available.
- <li> The <a href="guide/current.html">This Week's Episode</a>
- link from the home page should work reliably through caching
- proxy gateways now. Some people had complained that their
- proxy servers weren't noticing when it was changed to point
- to new episodes. (It may take a little while for this change
- to be noticed by your proxy, but after that there shouldn't
- be a problem. If you're getting an old episode's page from
- the link, try hitting your browser's reload button.)
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>June 21, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> B5 is now being shown in
- <a href="countries/my/episodes.php">Malaysia.</a>
- <li> Jacquelyn J. Smith's
- <a href="synops/039.html">synopsis</a>
- of
- <a href="guide/039.html">"Knives"</a>
- is online.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>June 20, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> The <a href="p5/summary.html">summary</a> of
- <a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a> results now includes all 41
- episodes (counting the pilot.)
- <li> The Lurker's Guide home page has been redesigned a bit, to look
- spiffier (especially on Netscape 1.1, though it looks fine on
- other browsers too) and to be more succinct.
- <a href="mailto:koreth@hyperion.com">Let me know</a>
- what you think.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>June 18, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> The hole in the JMS
- <a href="http://www.uml.edu/Babylon-5/Usenet/">Usenet</a>
- archive (January - May 1995) has been
- filled, thanks to Jacque Marshall.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>June 17, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Jacquelyn J. Smith has generously written a
- <a href="synops/040.html">synopsis</a>
- of
- <a href="guide/040.html">"Confessions and Lamentations"</a>
- to serve until Matthew Murray's is ready.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>June 15, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> By popular demand, you can now look at a
- <a href="guide/">list</a>
- of all the guide entries with their last modification dates.
- Thanks to Uttam M. Narsu for reminding me that this could be done
- without lots of work!
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>June 11, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> JMS' messages on
- <a href="http://www.uml.edu/Babylon-5/Usenet/">Usenet</a>
- are now archived automatically as they arrive at Hyperion.
- <li> Added links to introductions to
- <a href="ftp://archive.egr.msu.edu/pub/babylon5/assyrbab.txt">Assyrian/Babylonian</a>
- and
- <a href="ftp://archive.egr.msu.edu/pub/babylon5/sumerfaq.txt">Sumerian</a>
- mythology to the
- <a href="misc/lit-hist.html">Literary and Historical References</a>
- page.
- <li> The Lurker's Guide's section on the
- <a href="comic/index.html">comic series</a>
- has been nominated for a
- <a href="http://www.collectors.com/collectors/comix/sites/bestof.html">Best of COMIX.WEB</a>
- award in the "Crossover" category.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>June 10, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Fleshed out the guide page for comic issue 7,
- <a href="comic/007.html">"Survival the Hard Way."</a>
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>June 8, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> B5 has been renewed for a third season. As announced on America
- Online:
- <p>
- Date: 95-06-08 22:22:38 EDT
- <p>
- Well you can all relax, break out the champagne, or
- whatever your pleasure is -- we got official notification
- for the third season this afternoon. We're good for 22
- more eps. Prep will start next week, and we intend to
- start production in late July. The third season will
- premiere in Nov. We feel pretty good here, I hope all
- of you do as well. Thanks to all of you fans for
- your support. We'll try to live up to your expectations.
- <p>
- John Copeland<br>
- Producer - Babylon 5
- <p>
- <li> A new version of the
- <a href="/ftp/pub/Babylon-5/babylon-5-faq">FAQ List</a>
- is available.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>May 31, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> <a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a> <a href="p5/040">results</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/040.html">"Confessions and Lamentations"</a>
- are online.
- <li> A
- <a href="/ftp/pub/Babylon-5/delphi-5-21.txt">transcript</a>
- of a May 1995 real-time conference with JMS on Delphi is available.
- <li> A collection of JMS' May 1995
- <a href="/ftp/pub/Babylon-5/CompuServe/">CompuServe messages</a>
- is online.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>May 30, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Version 1.4 of
- <a href="/~koreth/uncgi.html">Un-CGI,</a>
- a tool to ease processing of WWW form results, is now available.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>May 29, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Updated all the text-only copies of the guide pages on the FTP server.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>May 28, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Created a separate page for
- <a href="venues.html">places where B5 can be seen,</a>
- which used to be on the
- <a href="episodes.php">episode list</a>
- page.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>May 27, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> A new version of the
- <a href="/ftp/pub/Babylon-5/babylon-5-faq">FAQ List</a>
- is available.
- <li> Most of the schedule of US reruns has been added to the
- <a href="episodes.php">episode list.</a>
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>May 25, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Some more
- <a href="http://www.uml.edu/Babylon-5/Clips/">video clips</a>
- from the America Online promotion have been uploaded; many of them
- have been integrated into the Guide in appropriate places.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>May 24, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> The
- <a href="credits/040">credits</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/040.html">"Confessions and Lamentations"</a>
- are online.
- <li> A variety of
- <a href="http://www.uml.edu/Babylon-5/Clips/">sound and video clips</a>
- from Warner Bros.' B5 promotion on America Online are on the FTP
- server.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>May 22, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> <a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a> <a href="p5/039">results</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/039.html">"Knives"</a>
- are online.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>May 21, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Added a schedule for
- <a href="countries/co/episodes.php">Colombia.</a>
- <li> Bad news: PTEN is showing reruns until October, delaying the
- last four season-two episodes until just before season three. Please
- don't complain to the Lurker's Guide about this -- we have absolutely
- <em>no</em> influence on the matter. The best thing to do is probably
- to write to your <a href="/lurk/ftp/b5tvaddresses.txt">local TV station.</a>
- Or plan a vacation to the
- <a href="countries/uk/episodes.php">UK,</a>
- where the last four episodes will start airing in just over three
- weeks.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>May 20, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> The list of
- <a href="other-sources.html#web">WWW sites</a>
- on the
- <a href="other-sources.html">Other Sources of B5 Information</a>
- page has been broken down into rough categories.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>May 18, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> The
- <a href="credits/039">credits</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/039.html">"Knives"</a>
- are online.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>May 17, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> The guide pages for the
- <a href="comic/index.html">comics</a>
- are now in the same format as the episode and novel pages.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>May 16, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Fleshed out the guide page for comic issue 6,
- <a href="comic/006.html">"Against the Odds."</a>
- <li> A
- <a href="synops/037.html">transcript</a>
- of
- <a href="guide/037.html">"And Now For a Word"</a>
- is online.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>May 15, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> <a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a> <a href="p5/038">results</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/038.html">"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum"</a>
- are online.
- <li> A
- <a href="synops/038.html">synopsis</a>
- of
- <a href="guide/038.html">"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum"</a>
- is online.
- <li> The first four episodes have been released on video in the UK.
- <a href="episodes.php#video">[Details]</a>
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>May 12, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> A
- <a href="/ftp/pub/Babylon-5/soundtrack-index">detailed index</a>
- of the
- <a href="misc/merchandise.html#soundtrack">soundtrack CD</a>
- is available.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>May 10, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> A
- <a href="synops/036.html">synopsis</a>
- of
- <a href="guide/036.html">"There All the Honor Lies"</a>
- is online.
- <li> A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ List</a>
- is available on the ftp server.
- <li> The
- <a href="credits/038">credits</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/038.html">"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum"</a>
- are online.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>May 9, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Upgraded the HTTP server to NCSA httpd 1.4. This should clear up
- the performance problems you may have noticed lately.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>May 8, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> <a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a> <a href="p5/037">results</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/037.html">"And Now For a Word"</a>
- are online.
- <li> The
- <a href="credits/037">credits</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/037.html">"And Now For a Word"</a>
- are online.
- <li> <a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a> <a href="p5/036">results</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/036.html">"There All the Honor Lies"</a>
- are online.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>April 27 - May 8, 1995
- <dd>
- On vacation!
- <p>
- <dt>April 26, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> The
- <a href="credits/036">credits</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/036.html">"There All the Honor Lies"</a>
- are online.
- <li> A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ List</a>
- is available on the ftp server.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>April 25, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Erik Oliver's guide page for the second novel,
- <a href="novels/002.html">"Accusations,"</a>
- is online.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>April 24, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> The
- <a href="edl.html">edit decision list</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/036.html">"There All the Honor Lies"</a>
- is online. Requires a browser that can display tables (e.g.
- Netscape 1.1.) This new feature is courtesy of Michael Brown,
- <<a href="mailto:brown@ftms.com">brown@ftms.com</a>>
- and will be updated weekly.
- <li> Did some initial fleshing out of the guide page for
- <a href="guide/036.html">"There All the Honor Lies."</a>
- <li> The Lurker's Guide is now being served by new server software
- (NCSA httpd 1.4b5.) Please let me know if you have trouble with it.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>April 17, 1995 (Black Monday)
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Added schedules for CFCF channel 12 in
- <a href="countries/montreal/episodes.php">Montreal</a>
- and WLII channel 11 in
- <a href="countries/pr/episodes.php">Puerto Rico.</a>
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>April 13, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Fleshed out the guide page for
- <a href="comic/004.html">issue 4</a>
- of the
- <a href="comic/">comic series,</a>
- and wrote a synopsis of
- <a href="comic/005.html">issue 5.</a>
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>April 11, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Some new
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/CompuServe/">JMS CompuServe messages</a>
- have been uploaded.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>April 10, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> John Vornholt will be speaking at the University of Arizona in
- Tuscon. <a href="other-sources.html">[Details]</a>
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>April 1, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> A few new batches of
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/GEnie/">JMS GEnie messages</a>
- have been uploaded.
- <li> Installed NCSA httpd 1.4 beta. It should offer improved performance;
- if you'd like to try it out, follow
- <a href="http://www.hyperion.com:8000/lurk/lurker.html">this link.</a>
- Report problems to
- <a href="mailto:webmaster@hyperion.com">webmaster@hyperion.com.</a>
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>March 28, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> The current week's episode (for the US) is now available at a
- constant URL,
- <a href="guide/current.html"><http://www.hyperion.com/lurk/guide/current.html></a>.
- You can add it to your hotlist if you like; it'll be changed once
- a week. Thanks to Juliet C. Bourne for suggesting it.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>March 26, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Added a schedule for
- <a href="countries/be/episodes.php">Belgium.</a>
- The pilot movie is scheduled for March 27 at 7:35PM, with the
- series starting the next night at the same time.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>March 19, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Winchell Chung's ASCII
- <a href="misc/station-map.html">station map</a>
- is online.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>March 18, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ List</a>
- is available on the ftp server.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>March 15, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Added a schedule for
- <a href="countries/il/episodes.php">Israel.</a>
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>March 14, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> A very tentative schedule for
- <a href="countries/fr/episodes.php">France</a>
- is online.
- <li> Added pages about the next two issues of the
- <a href="comic/index.html">comic series.</a>
- Thanks to Jack Holt.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>March 8, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Added a small
- <a href="requests.html">FAQ</a>
- detailing some of the common requests I get.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>March 7, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> New versions of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/cast.txt">cast</a>
- and
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/character.txt">character</a>
- lists have been uploaded to the ftp server.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>March 6, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> <a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a> <a href="p5/035">results</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/035.html">"Hunter, Prey"</a>
- are online.
- <li> A new version of the season-two
- <a href="misc/b5-appearances2.html">appearances chart</a>
- has been uploaded.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>March 5, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> A new
- <a href="quickref.html">quick-reference guide</a>
- is available, a more verbose version of the episode list.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>March 4, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> A
- <a href="synops/035.html">synopsis</a>
- of
- <a href="guide/035.html">"Hunter, Prey"</a>
- is online, as are its
- <a href="credits/035">onscreen credits.</a>
- <li> Added some minor tidbits about upcoming episodes to their guide pages;
- added pages for two more new episodes,
- <a href="guide/041.html">"The Long, Twilight Struggle"</a> and
- <a href="guide/042.html">"Divided Loyalties."</a>
- <li> A new version of the SF TV
- <a href="/ftp/pub/TV/sftv-sched">schedule</a>
- is available.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>March 3, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> The guide page for the first novel,
- <a href="novels/voices.html">"Voices,"</a>
- has been greatly expanded thanks to Erik Oliver. Let him know
- what you think.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>March 2, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ List</a>
- is available on the ftp server.
- <li> JMS' February
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/GEnie/">GEnie messages</a>
- have been uploaded. Thanks to Dylan Northrup.
- <li> A tentative air schedule for
- <a href="countries/cr/episodes.php">Costa Rica</a>
- is online.
- <li> A
- <a href="synops/034.html">synopsis</a>
- of
- <a href="guide/034.html">"Acts of Sacrifice"</a>
- is online.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>February 28, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Updated the
- <a href="episodes.php">episode list</a>
- with the latest schedule info.
- <li> <a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a> <a href="p5/034">results</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/034.html">"Acts of Sacrifice"</a>
- are online.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>February 26, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> The following guide pages (and synopses, where applicable) now
- have inline images:
- <ul>
- <li> <a href="guide/026.html">"A Distant Star"</a>
- <li> <a href="guide/027.html">"The Long Dark"</a>
- <li> <a href="guide/028.html">"A Spider in the Web"</a>
- <li> <a href="guide/029.html">"Soul Mates"</a>
- <li> <a href="guide/030.html">"A Race Through Dark Places"</a>
- <li> <a href="guide/031.html">"The Coming of Shadows"</a>
- <li> <a href="guide/032.html">"GROPOS"</a>
- <li> <a href="guide/033.html">"All Alone in the Night"</a>
- <li> <a href="guide/034.html">"Acts of Sacrifice"</a>
- <li> <a href="guide/035.html">"Hunter, Prey"</a>
- </ul>
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>February 25, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Fleshed out the guide page for
- <a href="guide/035.html">"Hunter, Prey"</a>
- (though it's by no means complete.)
- <li> Created guide pages for episodes 37-40. No new information is
- available, though.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>February 24, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Michele Worley's compilation of
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/biblical-references">Biblical references to Babylon</a>
- now contains references from the book of Revelation.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>February 23, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> The
- <a href="credits/034">onscreen credits</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/034.html">"Acts of Sacrifice"</a>
- have been uploaded.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>February 21, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> <a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a> <a href="p5/033">results</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/033.html">"All Alone in the Night"</a>
- are online.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>February 19, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> The
- <a href="synops/032.html">synopsis</a>
- of
- <a href="guide/032.html">"GROPOS"</a>
- is online.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>February 18, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Added a link to the current (US/Canada) episode on the home page. The
- link will (in theory) be updated every Monday morning, California time.
- <li> Added a
- <a href="toc.html">Table of Contents</a>
- page, as well as a brief page
- <a href="about.html">about the Lurker's Guide.</a>
- <li> Did a major rework of the
- <a href="production.html">Making of Babylon 5</a>
- page, breaking lots of it off into separate documents and giving
- it a look more consistent with the rest of the Guide.
- <li> A
- <a href="synops/033.html">synopsis</a>
- of
- <a href="guide/033.html">"All Alone in the Night"</a>
- is online.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>February 17, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ List</a>
- is available on the ftp server.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>February 16, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Fleshed out the guide page for issue 3 of the
- <a href="comic/index.html">comic series,</a>
- <a href="comic/003.html">"In Harm's Way."</a>
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>February 15, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> The
- <a href="credits/033">onscreen credits</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/033.html">"All Alone in the Night"</a>
- have been uploaded.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>February 14, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Started a separate series of pages for the Babylon 5
- <a href="novels/index.html">novel series.</a>
- The first entry is still incomplete; I'll fill in more
- after I've read the book!
- <li> <a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a> <a href="p5/032">results</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/032.html">"GROPOS"</a>
- are online.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>February 12, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Babylon 5 is now being shown in
- <a href="countries/se/episodes.php">Sweden</a>
- Sundays at 18:00.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>February 11, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Fleshed out the guide page for
- <a href="guide/033.html">"All Alone in the Night."</a>
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>February 9, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> The
- <a href="credits/032">onscreen credits</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/032.html">"GROPOS"</a>
- have been uploaded.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>February 8, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> A new version of the
- <a href="/ftp/pub/TV/Earth2_FAQ.txt">Earth 2 FAQ List</a>
- is available on the ftp server.
- <li> Fleshed out the guide page for
- <a href="guide/032.html">"GROPOS."</a>
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>February 6, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> <a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a> <a href="p5/031">results</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/031.html">"The Coming of Shadows"</a>
- are online.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>February 5, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> I've been informed that KCOP, the Los Angeles B5 station, won't
- be showing
- <a href="guide/032.html">"GROPOS"</a>
- this week due to other programming. Calling the station and
- asking them to show it is probably a good idea if you live in LA
- and want to see it. (I've also been told that it will be shown
- Saturday at 8:00 and is only preempted on Thursday.)
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>February 4, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> A
- <a href="synops/031.html">synopsis</a>
- of
- <a href="guide/031.html">"The Coming of Shadows"</a>
- is available.
- <strong>See the episode first</strong> - it's a doozy and you
- will enjoy it more if you haven't read the spoilers.
- <li> A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ List</a>
- is available on the ftp server.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>February 2, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> The
- <a href="credits/031">onscreen credits</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/031.html">"The Coming of Shadows"</a>
- have been uploaded.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>February 1, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> New versions of the SF TV
- <a href="/ftp/pub/TV/sftv-sched">schedule</a>
- and
- <a href="/ftp/pub/TV/sftv-titles">titles</a>
- files are available, as is the February
- <a href="/ftp/pub/TV/Sci-Fi-Channel/sfcfeb95">Sci-Fi Channel
- schedule.</a>
- <li> Updated the guide page for
- <a href="guide/031.html">"The Coming of Shadows."</a>
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>January 31, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> <a href="http://www.hyperion.com/~koreth/particles/">The Particles of Star Trek.</a>
- 'Nuff said.
- <li> <a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a> <a href="p5/030">results</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/030.html">"A Race Through Dark Places"</a>
- are online.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>January 28, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> A
- <a href="synops/030.html">synopsis</a>
- of
- <a href="guide/030.html">"A Race Through Dark Places"</a>
- is available.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>January 25, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> The
- <a href="credits/030">onscreen credits</a>
- for
- <a href="guide/030.html">"A Race Through Dark Places"</a>
- have been uploaded.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>January 23, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> New versions of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/cast.txt">cast</a>
- and
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/character.txt">character</a>
- lists have been uploaded to the ftp server.
- <li> A new version of the
- <a href="misc/b5-appearances2.html">season two appearances chart</a>
- is available.
- <li> A file full of
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/Kosh_Quotes.txt">Kosh quotes</a>
- has been uploaded.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>January 22, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Converted the rest of the guide pages to the new format.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>January 21, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Started retooling the episode guide pages to conform to the Guide's
- new look. Pages up to
- <a href="guide/015.html">"Grail"</a>
- have been updated so far; more are on their way.
- <li> As part of the retooling, added a "Background" link to the guide
- pages that gives a short summary of the overall storyline up to
- but not including the episode you link from. The text of the
- summary is mostly taken from the latest version of the FAQ List.
- Useful if you're just starting to watch the show and want to know
- what's gone on before the episode you're about to see.
- <li> A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ List</a>
- is available on the ftp server.
- <li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/Usenet/">JMS Usenet messages</a>
- from September 1994 through (part of) January 1995 are available
- on the FTP server.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>January 20, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Reorganized the
- <a href="episodes.php">US episode list</a>
- page slightly, so it's more intuitive (I hope) and more compact.
- Let me know if you think it's significantly better or worse; if
- reaction is positive, I'll apply the same general idea to other
- parts of the Guide to streamline it.
- <li> The guide page for
- <a href="guide/030.html">"A Race Through Dark Places"</a>
- has been fleshed out, thanks to quick action by Dave Zimmerman.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>January 19, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Put Dave Zimmerman's page for
- <a href="guide/029.html">"Soul Mates"</a>
- in place.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>January 17, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> An air schedule for
- <a href="countries/cl/episodes.php">Chile</a>
- is available.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>January 15, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> A new version of the
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ List</a>
- is available on the ftp server.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>January 14, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> A new version of the UNIX
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/b5quote.tar">B5 quote generator</a>
- has been uploaded, and its
- <a href="http://www.reed.edu/~horde/b5/b5quote.html">FAQ</a>
- has been updated.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>January 13, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> Wrote a synopsis of
- <a href="comic/002.html">"Treason,"</a>
- issue 2 of the
- <a href="comic/index.html">comic series.</a>
- The rest of the page will be fleshed out shortly.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <dt>January 2, 1995
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li> The
- <a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
- <a href="/lurk/p5/summary.html">results summary</a>
- has been updated.
- </ul>
- </dl>
- <p>
- <a href="whatsnew.html">To the current What's New page</a>
- <p>
- <hr>
- <h5>Maintained by
- <a href="http://www.hyperion.com/~koreth/">Steven Grimm</a>
- <koreth@hyperion.com>.<br>
- <a href="/cgi-bin/feedback">Send mail</a>
- if you have comments or suggestions.</h5>
- </body>
- </html>