/* jFeed : jQuery feed parser plugin * Copyright (C) 2007 Jean-François Hovinne - http://www.hovinne.com/ * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-license.txt) * and GPL (GPL-license.txt) licenses. */ jQuery.getFeed = function(options) { options = jQuery.extend({ url: null, data: null, cache: true, success: null, failure: null, error: null, global: true }, options); if (options.url) { if (jQuery.isFunction(options.failure) && jQuery.type(options.error)==='null') { // Handle legacy failure option options.error = function(xhr, msg, e){ options.failure(msg, e); } } else if (jQuery.type(options.failure) === jQuery.type(options.error) === 'null') { // Default error behavior if failure & error both unspecified options.error = function(xhr, msg, e){ window.console&&console.log('getFeed failed to load feed', xhr, msg, e); } } return $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: options.url, data: options.data, cache: options.cache, dataType: (jQuery.browser.msie) ? "text" : "xml", success: function(xml) { var feed = new JFeed(xml); if (jQuery.isFunction(options.success)) options.success(feed); }, error: options.error, global: options.global }); } }; function JFeed(xml) { if (xml) this.parse(xml); } ; JFeed.prototype = { type: '', version: '', title: '', link: '', description: '', parse: function(xml) { if (jQuery.browser.msie) { var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmlDoc.loadXML(xml); xml = xmlDoc; } if (jQuery('channel', xml).length == 1) { this.type = 'rss'; var feedClass = new JRss(xml); } else if (jQuery('feed', xml).length == 1) { this.type = 'atom'; var feedClass = new JAtom(xml); } if (feedClass) jQuery.extend(this, feedClass); } }; function JFeedItem() {}; JFeedItem.prototype = { title: '', link: '', description: '', updated: '', id: '' }; function JAtom(xml) { this._parse(xml); }; JAtom.prototype = { _parse: function(xml) { var channel = jQuery('feed', xml).eq(0); this.version = '1.0'; this.title = jQuery(channel).find('title:first').text(); this.link = jQuery(channel).find('link:first').attr('href'); this.description = jQuery(channel).find('subtitle:first').text(); this.language = jQuery(channel).attr('xml:lang'); this.updated = jQuery(channel).find('updated:first').text(); this.items = new Array(); var feed = this; jQuery('entry', xml).each( function() { var item = new JFeedItem(); item.title = jQuery(this).find('title').eq(0).text(); item.link = jQuery(this).find('link').eq(0).attr('href'); item.description = jQuery(this).find('content').eq(0).text(); item.updated = jQuery(this).find('updated').eq(0).text(); item.id = jQuery(this).find('id').eq(0).text(); feed.items.push(item); }); } }; function JRss(xml) { this._parse(xml); }; JRss.prototype = { _parse: function(xml) { if(jQuery('rss', xml).length == 0) this.version = '1.0'; else this.version = jQuery('rss', xml).eq(0).attr('version'); var channel = jQuery('channel', xml).eq(0); this.title = jQuery(channel).find('title:first').text(); this.link = jQuery(channel).find('link:first').text(); this.description = jQuery(channel).find('description:first').text(); this.language = jQuery(channel).find('language:first').text(); this.updated = jQuery(channel).find('lastBuildDate:first').text(); this.items = new Array(); var feed = this; jQuery('item', xml).each( function() { var item = new JFeedItem(); item.title = jQuery(this).find('title').eq(0).text(); item.link = jQuery(this).find('link').eq(0).text(); item.description = jQuery(this).find('description').eq(0).text(); item.updated = jQuery(this).find('pubDate').eq(0).text(); item.id = jQuery(this).find('guid').eq(0).text(); feed.items.push(item); }); } };