# Adafruit-PiTFT-Helper A script for configuring Adafruit's PiTFT displays on a Raspberry Pi. **This is in a beta state and may contain bugs.** ## PiTFT Documentation - [PiTFT - Assembled 320x240 2.8" TFT+Touchscreen for Raspberry Pi](https://www.adafruit.com/product/1601) - [PiTFT - Assembled 480x320 3.5" TFT+Touchscreen for Raspberry Pi](https://www.adafruit.com/product/2097) ## Getting Started: Kernel & Helper Script Installation First, add [Adafruit's Occidentalis package repository][o] to your system. Occidentalis is a growing collection of useful packages and configuration defaults for installation on Raspbian systems. If you want to bootstrap the full version of Occidentalis on a fresh, unused Pi from another computer, we offer an easy graphical tool called the [Pi Finder][p]. Once bootstrapped, you can open a terminal on your Pi and run: ```sh sudo apt-get install adafruit-pitft-helper ``` ...which will install both the helper script and a custom kernel with PiTFT support. If you _just_ want to install the kernel and helper without pulling down any other extra packages, you can run the following from the command line of a working Pi: ```sh curl -SLs https://apt.adafruit.com/add | sudo bash sudo apt-get install adafruit-pitft-helper ``` This can take a surprisingly long time to finish, especially if you're using a slower SD card, so be patient. **Please be careful!** Installing a new kernel always has the potential to leave your Raspberry Pi unbootable. You should make a backup copy of your SD card before trying this, or (even better!) start with a fresh card. ## Using adafruit-pitft-helper `adafruit-pitft-helper` must be run with root privileges, and takes a parameter specifying the type of PiTFT to configure. Invoke it like so: ```sh sudo adafruit-pitft-helper -t 28r ``` For a full list of available options, check the help: ```sh adafruit-pitft-helper -h ``` ## Installing PiTFT support in a Raspbian image file (experimental!) This repository includes a [small wrapper script][c] for installing the custom kernel and PiTFT configuration in a Rasbpian image file. In order to use it, you can download and unzip a recent Raspbian image on a Raspberry Pi, then do something like the following in a terminal: ```sh curl -SLs https://apt.adafruit.com/add | sudo bash sudo apt-get install adafruit-pitft-helper sudo adafruit-pitft-chroot-install -t 28r -i ~/2015-02-16-raspbian-wheezy.img ``` ...where `-t` specifies the type of PiTFT just like the same option to `adafruit-pitft-helper`, and `-i` specifies the path to an image file. [o]: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-Occidentalis [p]: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-Pi-Finder [c]: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-PiTFT-Helper/blob/master/adafruit-pitft-chroot-install