bpb-words ========= A command-line utility to split input into a list of words, one per line. I'm writing this as a learning exercise, based on [bpb-kit/home/bin/words][words]. **Work in progress, barely functional at present.** current state ------------- ```sh # Operate on standard input: echo 'one two three' | bpb-words - # ...or just: echo "one two three" | bpb-words # Operate on some file: bpb-words ./foo ``` desired features ---------------- ```sh # list all unique words, ignoring case, in foo: bpb-words -ui ./foo # find ten most used words longer than 6 letters in foo: bpb-words -uci -s6 foo | sort -nr | head -10 ``` installing ---------- ??? [words]: https://code.p1k3.com/gitea/brennen/bpb-kit/src/branch/master/home/bin/words