#!/bin/sh KIT_ROOT=$(pwd) echo "installing kit from $KIT_ROOT" echo 'installing package prereqs' sudo apt-get install build-essential xterm tmux vim perl ack-grep \ git git-gui htop zsh suckless-tools figlet xmonad trayer xmobar \ volumeicon-alsa curl jq byzanz festival clipit redshift-gtk ranger \ rofi xsettingsd wmctrl lynx perl-doc dict moreutils myrepos etckeeper \ bzr cvs darcs mercurial subversion subversion-tools dunst i3lock \ fzf xclip xautolock pngphoon tree scrot pandoc dnsutils echo 'installing perl dependencies' sudo cpan -i Module::Build App::WRT echo 'vim setup' mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle if [ ! -f ~/.vimrc ]; then ln -s "$KIT_ROOT/home/.vimrc" "$HOME/.vimrc" fi if [ ! -f ~/.gvimrc ]; then ln -s "$KIT_ROOT/home/.gvimrc" "$HOME/.gvimrc" fi if [ ! -d ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim ]; then git clone https://github.com/gmarik/vundle.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim fi vim +PluginInstall echo 'xmonad setup' echo "(don't forget to point /usr/share/xsessions/xmonad.desktop at xmonad.start)" if [ ! -d ~/.xmonad ]; then ln -s "$KIT_ROOT/home/.xmonad" "$HOME/.xmonad" fi if [ ! -f ~/.xmobarrc ]; then ln -s "$KIT_ROOT/home/.xmobarrc" "$HOME/.xmobarrc" fi if [ ! -f ~/.xsettingsd ]; then ln -s "$KIT_ROOT/home/.xsettingsd" "$HOME/.xsettingsd" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2088 echo '~/bin' if [ ! -d ~/bin ]; then ln -s "$KIT_ROOT/home/bin" "$HOME/bin" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2088 echo '~/fragments' if [ ! -d ~/fragments ]; then ln -s "$KIT_ROOT/home/fragments" "$HOME/fragments" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2088 echo '~/cheatsheets' if [ ! -d ~/cheatsheets ]; then ln -s "$KIT_ROOT/home/cheatsheets" "$HOME/cheatsheets" fi echo 'shell setup' if [ ! -f ~/.zshrc ]; then ln -s "$KIT_ROOT/home/.zshrc" "$HOME/.zshrc" fi if [ ! -f ~/.bashrc ]; then ln -s "$KIT_ROOT/home/.bashrc" "$HOME/.bashrc" fi if [ ! -f ~/.sh_common ]; then ln -s "$KIT_ROOT/home/.sh_common" "$HOME/.sh_common" fi echo 'tmux / screen setup' if [ ! -f ~/.tmux.conf ]; then ln -s "$KIT_ROOT/home/.tmux.conf" "$HOME/.tmux.conf" fi if [ ! -f ~/.screenrc ]; then ln -s "$KIT_ROOT/home/.screenrc" "$HOME/.screenrc" fi echo 'git setup' if [ ! -f ~/.gitconfig ]; then ln -s "$KIT_ROOT/home/.gitconfig" "$HOME/.gitconfig" fi echo 'lynx setup' if [ ! -f ~/.lynxrc ]; then ln -s "$KIT_ROOT/home/.lynxrc" "$HOME/.lynxrc" fi echo 'keyboard setup (Ctrl and CapsLock swap)' sudo cp etc/default/keyboard /etc/default/keyboard echo 'Remember to:' echo ' - install commandlog from https://code.p1k3.com/gitea/brennen/commandlog' echo ' - chsh'