edit insert at cursor
Insert at start
append after cursor
Append to line
x kill char
X kill back
delete/cut text
dobj - dw, d$, etc.
dd clears whole line
D to end of line

change - cobj, ciobj, cc, C
replace one char
Replace text
substitute char
yank/copy - yobj, yy
put (paste)
undo, ctrl-redo
visual select
. repeat edit
move end, begin word
$,0 end, begin line
(,) sentence ←, →
{,} paragraph ←, →
ctrl-back, ctrl-fwd page
fA goes to next "A"
tA before next "A"
{ ( B b h l w W ) }
next pattern
* word under cursor
% matching bracket
mx set mark x
`` go back, `x to mark
& windows
:e file edit
:w file write
:wq write & quit
:r file read into buffer
:r !command - get output
:sp file - in new window
:q - quit buffer/window
ctrl-w then...
split current
vertical split
h, j, k, l jump ← ↓ ↑ →
+, -, = size current
file under cursor in new window

- - - cut or fold here - - -

style :set expandtab - use spaces
:set shiftwidth=2
:set textwidth=70
:set nowrap
tweak Join
gqobj - autoformat
~ change case of char
>>,<< indent, unindent
= autoindent

nctrl-a, nctrl-x - inc or dec number by n

:s/pattern/replacement/g - on this line (g for multiple)
:%s/pattern/replacement/gc - on every line but confirm
:perldo s/foo/bar/g - do Perl on every line
:.perldo s/bar/baz/g - do Perl on this line