# This file contains common shell defaults, mostly paths and aliases/functions, # used by my configs for Bash, ZSH, and Xmonad. # # See also: # # ~/.zshrc # ~/.bashrc # ~/bin/xmonad.start # Path handling: {{{ # # This accounts for, at least: # # - a custom Firefox install # - some bin dirs in my homedir # - golang, ruby, rust # # .sh_common is sourced by ~/bin/xmonad.start to provide for entire x session # getting these vars. # # Beware that other modifications to path might be made in .zshrc or .bashrc # It's a tangled mess which certainly warrants a TODO. export GOPATH=~/code/go export GOROOT=/usr/local/go export GEM_HOME=~/gems export P1K3_ROOT=~/workspace/p1k3 # Mostly likely stolen from thcipriani: Put a dir at the start of path, IFF # it's not already in the path: prepend_to_path () { local dir="$1" if [[ -d "${dir}" ]]; then if [[ ":$PATH:" != *"${dir}"* ]]; then export PATH="${dir}:${PATH}" fi fi } prepend_to_path "$GOROOT/bin" # golang prepend_to_path "$GOPATH/bin" # golang prepend_to_path "$GEM_HOME/bin" # ruby prepend_to_path "$HOME/.cargo/bin" # rust prepend_to_path "$HOME/.cabal/bin" # haskell prepend_to_path ~/.local/bin prepend_to_path ~/.xmonad prepend_to_path ~/notes/bin prepend_to_path ~/firefox prepend_to_path ~/.fzf/bin prepend_to_path ~/bin # }}} # General environment / config: {{{ # Debian stuff - define DEBFULLNAME, DEBEMAIL here: if [ -f ~/.sh_common_debconfig ]; then . ~/.sh_common_debconfig fi # Explicitly set default editor: export EDITOR=$(which vim) # Configure default less(1) options: export LESS='-FiRSX' # Configure fzf fuzzyfinder: export FZF_CTRL_R_OPTS='-e' # exact match by default - see fzf(1) # For mediawiki/core/docker-compose.yml export MW_DOCKER_UID=$(id -u) export MW_DOCKER_GID=$(id -g) # }}} # Aliases, various and sundry: {{{ alias ac='apt-cache' alias agu='sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' alias c='commandlog' alias g='git' alias gitsu='git submodule sync && git submodule update' alias m='make' alias mk='marks' alias mka='marks add' alias s='sudo' alias v='vim' alias n='notes' alias vt='vim $(todaydir)' # How big is the terminal? alias dim='echo $(tput cols)x$(tput lines)' # vi life: alias :e="$EDITOR" alias :q='exit' alias :wq='exit' alias :r='cat' # }}} # Functions: {{{ # p1k3 navigation: function p { cd "$P1K3_ROOT" } # Current p1k3 day directory, if it exists: function ct { cd "$(todaydir)" } if type exa &> /dev/null; then # If exa is installed, replace the traditional ls aliases with exa # invocations. function l { exa --group-directories-first $@ } function ll { exa --group-directories-first -l --git $@ } function la { # This would typically be `ls -A`, for "almost all", which excludes . and .. # - exa appears to do that by default, and so doesn't have an -A option exa --group-directories-first -a $@ } function lal { # ls -Al exa --group-directories-first -al --git $@ } function lah { # ls -Alh # exa uses human-readable sizes by default, so doesn't have the -h flag. exa --group-directories-first -al --git $@ } else # No exa, so set up traditional ls aliases as functions. function l { ls --group-directories-first --color -CF $@ } function ll { ls --group-directories-first -l --color $@ } function la { # Almost all - exclude . and ..: ls --group-directories-first -A $@ } function lal { ls --group-directories-first -Al $@ } function lah { ls --group-directories-first -Alh $@ } fi # Get a persistent directory history menu in fzf - originally written for dmenu # and inspired by jholland at: # # http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20050806202859392 # # Includes a preview of the directory using ls. # # See: https://p1k3.com/2016/5/17/ function h { if [ ! -z "$@" ]; then # If we got arguments, pass them in as a starting query: cd "$(_h_fzf -q $@)" else cd "$(_h_fzf)" fi } # Helper for h, above function _h_fzf { tail -2500 ~/.directory_history \ | tac \ | unsorted-unique \ | fzf --no-sort --height=50% --preview="ls -CF {}" \ $@ } # Bookmark a spot: function b { if [ ! -z "$@" ]; then echo "$(realpath "$@")" >> ~/.directory_bookmarks else cd "$(sort ~/.directory_bookmarks | uniq | fzf --no-sort --height=50%)" fi } # Create a directory (if it doesn't exist) and cd to it: function mcd { mkdir -p "$1" && cd "$1" } # Use official git prompt, if it exists, or fall back to # parse_git_branch: if [ -f /usr/lib/git-core/git-sh-prompt ]; then GIT_PS1_SHOWCOLORHINTS=1 GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES=1 GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=1 GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM="auto verbose" GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE=1 . /usr/lib/git-core/git-sh-prompt else # Emulate __git_ps1 interface which takes 2 params - before part # and after part: function __git_ps1 { PS1="$1 $(parse_git_branch)$2" } fi # Get some information about a git repo function parse_git_branch { # if [ ! -z "$has_git_prompt" ]; then # __git_ps1 # return # fi # Formerly: # ref=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null) || return # echo "("${ref#refs/heads/}") " # Originally borrowed from: # https://github.com/robacarp/config_files/commit/5d983240d509bf4f7815ed822c0e868ccce08a79 git_status=$(git status --porcelain -b 2> /dev/null) || return echo $git_status | awk ' BEGIN { status["untracked"] = 0 status["mods"] = 0 branch_status = "" } $0 ~ /.*\[.*\]$/ { branch_status = " " $3 " " $4 } $1 ~ /##/ { gsub(/\.\.\..*/, "") branch_name = $2 } $1 ~ /\?\?/ { status["untracked"] ++ } $1 ~ /M/ { status["mods"] ++ } END { printf "(%s m%i/u%i%s) ", branch_name, status["mods"], status["untracked"], branch_status } ' } # Render a simple horizontal rule / title bar in the terminal. Again, a # variation on robacarp: # https://robacarp.io/2018/07/19/bash-hr-function-to-draw-a-line-across-the-terminal.html function titlebar { # Text written into the horizontal rule, left justified text=${1:-} length=$(echo "$text" | wc -m) # set the color echo -e -n "\033[30;47m" # print the message echo -n "$text" # finish the line across the console cols=$(expr "$(tput cols)" - $length) printf " %${cols}s" # clear the background color and start a new line echo -e "\033[0m" } # }}}