Nothing drastic in this commit; just takes care of some little
inconsistencies and quibbles. Probably breaks a few files with calls to
filter utilities, but those should be easy to fix on a case-by-case basis.
I'm renaming them because there's nothing vim-specific about them.
- move a few aliases to bin/
- tags -> build-tags
- extip -> get-external-ip
- rename some utils in bin/
- vim-filter-* to filter-*
- vertical to filter-vertical
- remove some bogus stuff from bin/
- googleearth
- d (some thing i was messing around with for menus)
- pup (nice util, but should install elsewhere)
- add a bin/cheat to hang cheatsheet stuff on
- use fzf-tmux for h alias
I'm not 100% sold yet, but it's basically dmenu for the shell. Much to
recommend. Adds an improved ctrl-r.
unsorted-unique is just a wrapper around a short awk operation. I put it
in its own script because quoting things in aliases is hard.
There's probably a better way to do this, but right now it just adds a
chpwd func to .zshrc to tack dirs onto ~/.directory_history. The h alias
now uses this file instead of the dirs builtin.
- h in zsh now shows path history and prompts for one to jump to
- ,q for gqip in Vim
- solarized color scheme -
- bin/dog - silly thing to tack STDIN together with command arguments