...seems like a more lightweight way of providing various settings to
Gtk apps (and maybe other stuff? I'm not sure).
Various other font tweaks and such in this commit.
Nothing drastic in this commit; just takes care of some little
inconsistencies and quibbles. Probably breaks a few files with calls to
filter utilities, but those should be easy to fix on a case-by-case basis.
I'm renaming them because there's nothing vim-specific about them.
- move a few aliases to bin/
- tags -> build-tags
- extip -> get-external-ip
- rename some utils in bin/
- vim-filter-* to filter-*
- vertical to filter-vertical
- remove some bogus stuff from bin/
- googleearth
- d (some thing i was messing around with for menus)
- pup (nice util, but should install elsewhere)
- add a bin/cheat to hang cheatsheet stuff on
- use fzf-tmux for h alias
I'm not 100% sold yet, but it's basically dmenu for the shell. Much to
recommend. Adds an improved ctrl-r.
unsorted-unique is just a wrapper around a short awk operation. I put it
in its own script because quoting things in aliases is hard.
There's probably a better way to do this, but right now it just adds a
chpwd func to .zshrc to tack dirs onto ~/.directory_history. The h alias
now uses this file instead of the dirs builtin.
- h in zsh now shows path history and prompts for one to jump to
- ,q for gqip in Vim
- solarized color scheme - http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized
- bin/dog - silly thing to tack STDIN together with command arguments