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12 years ago
12 years ago
  1. " vb is needed to stop beep
  2. set visualbell
  3. " t_vb sets visual bell action, we're nulling it out here
  4. set t_vb=
  5. " font stuffs
  6. " set guifont=Ubuntu\ Mono\ 14
  7. " set guifont=Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ 13
  8. " set guifont=Andale\ Mono\ 13
  9. set guifont=DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ 13
  10. " I hoped some of these might help with gvim rendering bugs - no dice:
  11. " au FocusGained * :redraw!
  12. " au TabEnter * :redraw!
  13. " au WinEnter * :redraw!
  14. " color scheme - differs for terminal vim; i have yet to find anything that
  15. " works equally well for both:
  16. " colorscheme inkpot
  17. colorscheme hornet
  18. " get a list of current toolbar definitions:
  19. " :tmenu ToolBar
  20. " remove some defaults from toolbar:
  21. aunmenu ToolBar.Help
  22. aunmenu ToolBar.FindHelp
  23. " add a few things to toolbar:
  24. tmenu ToolBar.nerdtree Toggle display of the NERDTree
  25. 400amenu ToolBar.nerdtree :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
  26. tmenu ToolBar.nerdtreefind Find current file in NERDTree
  27. 410amenu ToolBar.nerdtreefind :NERDTreeFind<CR>
  28. tmenu ToolBar.timeslice Timeslice for current file
  29. 420amenu ToolBar.timeslice :call BPB_TimesliceForFile()<CR>
  30. " a separator - name must be unique:
  31. amenu ToolBar.-Syntax- :
  32. tmenu ToolBar.syntoggle Toggle Syntastic mode
  33. 520amenu ToolBar.syntoggle :SyntasticToggleMode<CR>
  34. " a separator - name must be unique:
  35. amenu ToolBar.-Vimwiki- :
  36. tmenu ToolBar.vimwiki Open primary Vimwiki index
  37. 620amenu ToolBar.vimwiki :VimwikiIndex<CR>