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  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. # This can go in /usr/local/bin and, at least on Ubuntu or Debian systems,
  3. # should be pointed at by /usr/share/xsessions/xmonad.desktop. Lately I have
  4. # just been keeping it in ~/bin.
  5. # gnome-settings-daemon &
  6. # .screenlayout/
  7. # Load resources
  8. xrdb -merge .Xresources
  9. xmodmap ~/.xmodmap
  10. xsettingsd &
  11. # Set up an icon tray
  12. trayer --SetDockType true --SetPartialStrut true --edge bottom --align right --widthtype percent --width 10 --height 25 --alpha 10 --tint "0x00ff00" &
  13. # Set the background color
  14. xsetroot -solid midnightblue
  15. eval $(ssh-agent)
  16. # Fire up apps
  17. volumeicon &
  18. redshift-gtk &
  19. clipit &
  20. gpg-agent --daemon
  21. # xscreensaver -no-splash &
  22. # --sm-disable is apparently "session manager disable".
  23. # I don't really know what that means in practice.
  24. if [ -x /usr/bin/nm-applet ]; then
  25. nm-applet --sm-disable &
  26. fi
  27. # compton -b
  28. exec xmonad-session