- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- # forked from Tyler at:
- # https://github.com/thcipriani/dotfiles
- # https://github.com/thcipriani/dotfiles/commit/1c39af38fafaf24a22474930d18d77edb8931611
- #
- # TODO:
- # [ ] uploads
- show_help() {
- cat<<USE
- grab [screenshotname]
- --select|-s: use selection rectangle
- --public|-p: upload it to https://squiggle.city/~brennen/images/
- grab --select --public whatchamajig
- }
- simple_shot() {
- \scrot "${_SCREEN_PATH:=$HOME/screenshots}/Screenshot-%Y-%m-%d-%T.png"
- printf "[\033[38;5;2mGOT IT\033[00m] ${_SCREEN_PATH:=$HOME/screenshots}/Screenshot-$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%T).png\n"
- }
- take_shot() {
- default_path="Screenshot-%Y-%m-%d-%T"
- if (( $(printf "$path" | wc -c) < 1 )); then
- path="$default_path"
- grabname=1
- else
- filename="/${path}.png"
- fi
- options=''
- if (( select == 1 )); then
- options="-s"
- printf "[\033[38;5;2mSELECT\033[00m] Waiting for your selection\n"
- fi
- \scrot ${options} "${_SCREEN_PATH:=$HOME/screenshots}/${path}.png"
- if (( grabname == 1 )); then
- filename="/Screenshot-$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%T).png"
- fi
- if (( $public == 1 )); then
- make_public "${_SCREEN_PATH:=$HOME/screenshots}" "$filename"
- else
- printf "[\033[38;5;2mGOT IT\033[00m] ${_SCREEN_PATH:=$HOME/screenshots}${filename}\n"
- fi
- }
- make_public() {
- if ! command -v scp > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- printf "[\033[5;38;5;1mERR\033[00m] scp command not found in $PATH\n"
- fi
- if (( $# < 2 )); then
- printf "[\033[5;38;5;1mERR\033[00m] need a path and a folder\n"
- fi
- scp "${1}${2}" squiggle.city:~/public_html/images/
- printf "[\033[38;5;2mURL\033[00m] https://squiggle.city/~brennen/images${2}\n"
- }
- main () {
- if ! command -v scrot > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- printf "[\033[5;38;5;1mERR\033[00m] scrot command not found in $PATH\n"
- fi
- mkdir -p "${_SCREEN_PATH:=$HOME/screenshots}"
- if (( $# == 0 )); then
- simple_shot
- exit 0
- fi
- select=0
- public=0
- while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- case "$1" in
- --select|-s)
- select=1
- ;;
- --public|-p)
- public=1
- ;;
- --help|-h)
- show_help
- exit 0
- ;;
- *)
- path="$1"
- esac
- shift
- done
- take_shot
- }
- main "$@"