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10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
8 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
  1. # --- General options --- #
  2. # url is the full website URL
  3. # baseurl is the website's URL without the hostname
  4. # If you are building a simple GitHub user page ( then use these settings:
  5. url: ""
  6. baseurl: ""
  7. # If you are building a GitHub project page then use these settings:
  8. #url: ""
  9. #baseurl: "/projectname"
  10. # Of course don't forget to change the username and projectname to YOUR username and project
  11. # Name of website
  12. title: My website
  13. # Short description of your site
  14. description: A virtual proof that name is awesome!
  15. # --- Navigation bar options --- #
  16. # List of links in the navigation bar
  17. navbar-links:
  18. About Me: "aboutme"
  19. Resources:
  20. - Beautiful Jekyll: ""
  21. - Learn markdown: ""
  22. - GitHub Pages: ""
  23. Author's home: ""
  24. # Image to show in the navigation bar - image must be a square (width = height)
  25. # Remove this parameter if you don't want an image in the navbar
  26. avatar: "/img/avatar-icon.png"
  27. # If you want to have an image logo in the top-left corner instead of the title text,
  28. # then specify the following parameter
  29. # title-img: /path/to/image
  30. # --- Footer options --- #
  31. # Change all these values or delete the ones you don't want.
  32. # Important: you must keep the "name" parameter, everything else you can remove
  33. author:
  34. name: Some Person
  35. email: ""
  36. facebook: yourname # eg. daattali
  37. github: yourname # eg. daattali
  38. twitter: yourname # eg. daattali
  39. reddit: yourname # eg. daattali
  40. google-plus: +yourname # eg. +DeanAttali or 109424658772469020925
  41. linkedin: yourname # eg. daattali
  42. xing: yourname # eg. daattali
  43. stackoverflow: yourlink # eg. "3943160/daattali"
  44. snapchat: yourname # eg. daattali
  45. instagram: yourname # eg. daattali
  46. youtube: yourlink # eg. user/daattali or channel/daattali
  47. spotify: yourname # eg. daattali
  48. telephone: yourphone # eg. +14159998888
  49. # Select which links to show in the footer
  50. footer-links-active:
  51. rss: false
  52. facebook: true
  53. email: true
  54. twitter: true
  55. google-plus: false
  56. github: true
  57. reddit: false
  58. linkedin: false
  59. xing: false
  60. stackoverflow: false
  61. snapchat: false
  62. instagram: false
  63. youtube: false
  64. spotify: false
  65. telephone: false
  66. # Select which share links to show in posts
  67. share-links-active:
  68. twitter: true
  69. facebook: true
  70. google: false
  71. linkedin: true
  72. # How to display the link to the website in the footer
  73. # Remove this if you don't want a link in the footer
  74. url-pretty: "" # eg. ""
  75. # --- Misc --- #
  76. # Fill in your Disqus shortname (NOT the userid) if you want to support Disqus comments
  77. #disqus: ""
  78. # Fill in your Google Analytics ID to track your website using GA
  79. #google_analytics: ""
  80. # Facebook App ID
  81. # fb_app_id: ""
  82. # Excerpt Word Length
  83. # Truncates the excerpt to the specified number of words on the index page
  84. excerpt_length: 50
  85. # --- Don't need to touch anything below here (but you can if you want) --- #
  86. # Output options (more information on Jekyll's site)
  87. timezone: "America/Vancouver"
  88. markdown: kramdown
  89. highlighter: rouge
  90. permalink: /:year-:month-:day-:title/
  91. paginate: 5
  92. kramdown:
  93. input: GFM
  94. # Default YAML values (more information on Jekyll's site)
  95. defaults:
  96. -
  97. scope:
  98. path: ""
  99. type: "posts"
  100. values:
  101. layout: "post"
  102. comments: true # add comments to all blog posts
  103. social-share: true # add social media sharing buttons to all blog posts
  104. -
  105. scope:
  106. path: "" # all files
  107. values:
  108. layout: "page"
  109. show-avatar: true
  110. # Use tags pages (not recommended if you are deploying via GitHub pages, only set to true if deploying locally with ruby)
  111. link-tags: false
  112. # Exclude these files from production site
  113. exclude:
  114. - Gemfile
  115. - Gemfile.lock
  116. - LICENSE
  117. -
  118. - CNAME
  119. - Vagrantfile
  120. # config
  121. prose:
  122. rooturl: '_posts'
  123. media: 'img'
  124. ignore:
  125. - 404.html
  126. - LICENSE
  127. - feed.xml
  128. - _config.yml
  129. - /_layouts
  130. - /_includes
  131. - /css
  132. - /img
  133. - /js
  134. metadata:
  135. _posts:
  136. - name: "layout"
  137. field:
  138. element: "hidden"
  139. value: "post"
  140. - name: "title"
  141. field:
  142. element: "text"
  143. label: "Post title"
  144. placeholder: "Title"
  145. alterable: true
  146. - name: "subtitle"
  147. field:
  148. element: "textarea"
  149. label: "Subtitle"
  150. placeholder: "A description of your post."
  151. alterable: true
  152. - name: "date"
  153. field:
  154. element: "text"
  155. label: "Date"
  156. help: "Enter date of post."
  157. placeholder: "yyyy-mm-dd"
  158. alterable: true
  159. - name: "image"
  160. field:
  161. element: "text"
  162. label: "Image"
  163. help: "Add a thumbnail image to your post."
  164. placeholder: "Thumbnail"
  165. alterable: true
  166. - name: "published"
  167. field:
  168. element: "checkbox"
  169. label: "Publish"
  170. help: "Check to publish post, uncheck to hide."
  171. gems:
  172. - jekyll-paginate
  173. # Beautiful Jekyll / Dean Attali
  174. # 2fc73a3a967e97599c9763d05e564189