#!/usr/bin/env perl =pod =head1 NAME marks-ls - list the current set of marked files =head1 SYNOPSIS marks-ls lists the current set of marked files USAGE: marks ls # List files separated by NUL characters: marks ls --print0 marks ls -0 =head1 AUTHOR Brennen Bearnes =cut use strict; use warnings; use 5.10.0; use App::MarkFiles qw(each_path); use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; my $print0; GetOptions( help => sub { pod2usage(0) }, 'print0|0' => \$print0, ) or pod2usage(2); my $separator = "\n"; if ($print0) { $separator = "\0"; } each_path(sub { my ($path) = @_; print $path; print $separator; });