A modest collection of PHP libraries used at SparkFun.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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namespace SparkLib\Application;
use \SparkLib\Application;
use \SparkLib\Validator;
* Model an inbound HTTP request.
* Children of this class, Get, Post, Head, and Delete, are used by Application
* and friends as proxies for $_GET, $_POST, and $_REQUEST, or possibly for other
* values treated as such by things like Environment\CLI.
* At this point, you might reasonably ask why we're going out of our way to obscure
* such fundamental features of PHP.
* 1. It should be impossible to directly rewrite elements of the request.
* 2. Runtime configuration options like magic quotes have to be dealt with somewhere.
* 3. I wanted somewhere to hang validation of request parameters.
* 4. Object-property syntax is prettier than array-element syntax.
* @author Brennen Bearnes <brennen@sparkfun.com>
abstract class Request {
protected $_values = array();
protected $_final = false;
protected $_injected = array();
protected $_mime = 'text/html';
* Build a new request.
* @param $values array
* @param string
public function __construct (array $values)
$this->_values = $values;
* Set a desired MIME type for this request.
public function setType ($mime)
if ($this->isFinal()) {
throw new \Exception("can't set a new MIME type for a finalized SparkRequest");
return $this->_mime = $mime;
* Get the MIME type of this request.
public function getType ()
return $this->_mime;
* Set our MIME type based on a file type extension.
public function setTypeFromExtension ($ext)
if (isset(Application::$extensionToMime[$ext]))
return $this->setType(Application::$extensionToMime[$ext]);
return false;
* Map the current MIME type to a default extension.
public function mapType ()
return Application::$mimeToExtension[$this->_mime];
//return $this->_mimeWhitelist[$this->_mime];
* Explicitly inject a parameter => value, such as id. (See
* Application&discernRoute().)
* @param string $param
* @param string $value
* @return string $value
public function inject ($param, $value)
if ($this->_final)
throw new \Exception('Request already finalized, cannot inject a value.');
$this->_values[$param] = $value;
$this->_injected[$param] = true;
return $value;
* Getter magic for accessing a request parameter.
public function __get ($key)
if (! isset($this->_values[$key]))
return null;
return $this->_values[$key];
public function expect ()
$args = func_get_args();
if (is_array($args[0]))
$expectations = $args[0];
$expectations = $args;
return (new Validator($this->_values, '\SparkLib\Application\RequestException'))->expect($expectations);
public function expectFiltered (array $filters)
return (new Validator($this->_values, '\SparkLib\Application\RequestException'))->expectFiltered($filters);
public function filter (array $filters)
return (new Validator($this->_values, '\SparkLib\Application\RequestException'))->filter($filters);
* Get a particular HTTP header (or reasonable facsimile)
* TODO: This should really be handled by the environment, but
* right now there's no very clean way to just grab all the headers
* as a nice associative array without doing a bunch of expensive
* string comparison.
* Anyway, this should fail gracefully in the CLI environment, so I
* guess I'm not too worried about it for the moment.
public function getHeader ($header)
$key = 'HTTP_' . str_replace('-', '_', strtoupper($header));
if (isset($_SERVER[$key]))
return $_SERVER[$key];
return null;
* Did the client send a Do Not Track header?
* http://www.w3.org/TR/tracking-dnt/
public function doNotTrack ()
$value = $this->getHeader('DNT');
return isset($value) && $value == '1';
* If this object is cloned, render it mutable.
* If you are doing this, it's probably because you're taking the
* existing request, changing one or more of its properties, and
* reserializing it in some fashion.
* There might be problems with this approach.
public function __clone ()
* Get an array of all parameters set on this request.
* @return array of keys
public function getParameters ()
return array_keys($this->_values);
* Prevent further modifications to the parameters of this request.
public function finalize () { $this->_final = true; }
* Allow modification of request parameters.
public function unFinalize () { $this->_final = false; }
* Is the request finalized and thus theoretically immutable?
* @return bool
public function isFinal () { return $this->_final; }
* Set a parameter.
* @param string parameter
* @param string value
* @return string value set
public function __set ($key, $value)
if ($this->isFinal())
throw new Exception("can't change a finalized Request (trying to modify user input? make a copy instead.)");
return $this->_values[$key] = $value;
* Check if a parameter is set.
* @param string parameter name
* @return bool set or not?
public function __isset ($key)
return isset($this->_values[$key]);
* Get a count of parameters.
public function count ()
return count($this->_values);
* Get array of current values.
* @return array
public function getArray ()
return $this->_values;
* Return a query string.
* @param bool skip_injected skips values that were injected by
* Application (eg: id from /controller/id?key=value)
public function compact ($skip_injected = false)
$compacted = array();
foreach ($this->_values as $key => $value) {
if ($skip_injected && isset($this->_injected[$key]))
$compacted[$key] = $value;
return '?' . http_build_query($compacted);
* Indicates whether or not the request is an XMLHttpRequest
* @returns boolean
public function isXHR ()
if ($req_with = $this->getHeader('X-Requested-With')) {
if ('xmlhttprequest' === strtolower($req_with)) {
return true;
return false;