a little bit of hacky Perl to pull filenames out of Rhythmbox's playlists.xml
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

97 lines
1.8 KiB

=head1 NAME
playlist.pl - Get file paths for rhythmbox playlists.
./playlist.pl [pattern]
./playlist.pl --list [pattern]
./playlist.pl --file path/to/playlists.xml
=head1 OPTIONS
=item B<--list [pattern]>
Show available playlists, optionally restricted to those matching some regex.
=item B<--song-pattern pattern>
Restrict song URIs to those matching some pattern. Defaults to "file://".
=item B<--raw-uri>
Print a full URI, undecoded.
=item B<--file filename>
Specify a playlists.xml file.
Worse is better, baby.
This started at around 12 lines with a couple of regexen, and you could
probably get most of it down to a one-liner without much trouble. I decided to
add a couple of extra options instead.
=head1 BUGS
Are you kidding? I'd be shocked if this worked anywhere besides my laptop.
=head1 AUTHOR
Brennen Bearnes <bbearnes@gmail.com>
No Copyright
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.10.00;
use Rhythmbox::Playlist;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config auto_help);
# Set a few defaults:
my %options = (
file => "$ENV{HOME}/.gnome2/rhythmbox/playlists.xml",
'song_pattern' => 'file://',
my $list = undef;
my $raw_uri = undef;
'file=s' => \$options{'file'},
'song-pattern=s' => \$options{'song_pattern'},
'list' => \$list,
'raw-uri' => \$raw_uri,
my $lists = Rhythmbox::Playlist->new(%options);
# Take patterns from whatever's left in arguments:
my @patterns = @ARGV;
$patterns[0] //= '.*';
for my $pattern (@patterns) {
if ($list) {
print join "\n", $lists->lists($pattern);
} else {
if ($raw_uri) {
print join "\n", $lists->songs($pattern);
} else {
print join "\n", $lists->songs_decoded($pattern);