#!/usr/bin/env perl =head1 NAME occi - Adafruit Occidentalis Configuration Helper for Raspberry Pi =head1 DESCRIPTION occi is a simple utility for applying configuration settings like hostname and WiFi credentials to your Raspberry Pi. Settings are stored in a simple text file, usually F. The format is: hostname=somepi # wifi configuration details: wifi_ssid=Your Network Here wifi_password=your password here Blank lines and comments starting with C<#> will be ignored. Keys are case-insensitive. =head1 SYNOPSIS # apply configuration in /boot/occidentalis.txt sudo occi # check current version occi --version # apply a different configuration file sudo occi --file=/home/alternate_occidentalis.txt =cut package OcciConfig v0.7.0; use warnings; use strict; use 5.10.0; use File::Basename; use File::Copy; use Getopt::Long; use IPC::Cmd qw(can_run run); # Handle CLI options: my $OCCI_CONFIG = "/boot/occidentalis.txt"; my $show_version_and_exit = 0; my $install_and_exit = 0; GetOptions( "file=s" => \$OCCI_CONFIG, "version" => \$show_version_and_exit, "install" => \$install_and_exit ) or die("Error in command line arguments\n"); diag("Adafruit Occidentalis configuration helper, ${OcciConfig::VERSION}"); if ($show_version_and_exit) { exit 0; } if ($install_and_exit) { install(); exit 0; } have_config_or_exit($OCCI_CONFIG); my %config = parse_config($OCCI_CONFIG); diag('file', $OCCI_CONFIG); { # This bit of magic will find every sub starting with "handle_". # It just stands in for explicitly calling: # # handle_hostname(%config); # handle_wifi(%config); # # and so on down the line. no strict 'refs'; my (@handlers) = grep { defined &{"OcciConfig\::$_"} && m/^handle_/ } keys %{"OcciConfig\::"}; diag_push('run'); foreach my $handler (@handlers) { diag_push($handler); &{$handler}(%config); diag_pop(); } diag_pop(); } exit 0; =head1 CONFIGURATION HANDLERS To add a handler, just write a sub that takes the %config hash, like so, and returns a list containing one or more log items: sub handle_foo { my %config = @_; return ('nothing to do here'); } It will automatically be called every time occi runs. =over =item handle_selftest() Run some basic checks to make sure we have necessary stuff. =cut sub handle_selftest { my %config = @_; my %allowed_keys = map { $_ => 1} qw( hostname wifi_password wifi_ssid ); diag('Checking configuration integrity.'); foreach my $key (sort keys %config) { if ($allowed_keys{$key}) { diag('valid', $key, $config{$key}); } else { diag('error', $key, 'unrecognized configuration key'); } } # This is just a bit of a sanity check - do we know whether some # things we might expect are installed? Currently commented out # since we no longer rely on apt for installation of these tools. # # my @check_packages = qw(occi occidentalis); # foreach my $package (@check_packages) { # if (is_installed_package($package)) { # diag('have package', $package); # } else { # diag('no package', $package); # } # } chomp(my $dversion = get_file('/etc/debian_version')); diag('debian version', $dversion); } =item handle_hostname() Update current hostname and make sure it's set properly at boot. =cut sub handle_hostname { my %config = @_; return ('no hostname specified') unless defined $config{hostname}; my $hostname_changed = 0; # What's the existing configuration? chomp(my $existing_etc_hostname = get_file('/etc/hostname')); chomp(my $existing_hostname = capture_string('hostname')); unless ($existing_etc_hostname eq $config{hostname}) { # Make sure this is set correctly at next boot diag('Setting /etc/hostname to ' . $config{hostname}); put_file('/etc/hostname', $config{hostname}); $hostname_changed = 1; } unless ($existing_hostname eq $config{hostname}) { # Make sure this is set correctly right _now_. diag('Setting current hostname to ' . $config{hostname}); system('hostname', $config{hostname}); $hostname_changed = 1; } # Make sure our new hostname is mentioned in /etc/hosts: my $etc_hosts = get_file('/etc/hosts'); my $new_etc_hosts = $etc_hosts; my $config_hostline = "\t$config{hostname}"; $new_etc_hosts =~ s/^(127[.]0[.]1[.]1\s+${existing_hostname})$/$config_hostline/m; if ($new_etc_hosts !~ /$config_hostline/) { $new_etc_hosts .= "\n$config_hostline"; } if ($etc_hosts ne $new_etc_hosts) { diag('Adding ' . $config_hostline . ' to /etc/hosts'); put_file('/etc/hosts', $new_etc_hosts); $hostname_changed = 1; } if ($hostname_changed && (-f '/etc/init.d/avahi-daemon')) { diag('restarting avahi-daemon'); my (@restart_log) = capture_list('service', 'avahi-daemon', 'restart'); foreach my $logline (@restart_log) { diag($logline); } } } =item handle_wifi() Configure a wireless network. =cut sub handle_wifi { my %config = @_; my $conf_file = '/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf'; my $blurb = get_blurb(); return ('no wifi_ssid specified') unless defined $config{wifi_ssid}; diag('Configuring network :: ' . $config{wifi_ssid}); my ($ifconfig) = capture_string('ifconfig', '-s'); if ($ifconfig !~ /wlan/) { diag('No wireless hardware found.'); } elsif (defined $config{wifi_password}) { my $wpa_config = capture_string( 'wpa_passphrase', $config{wifi_ssid}, $config{'wifi_password'} ); $wpa_config = <<"WPA"; # $blurb ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev update_config=1 $wpa_config WPA diag("Writing $conf_file"); my @log = capture_list( 'wpa_cli', 'reconfigure' ); foreach my $logline (@log) { diag($logline); } put_file($conf_file, $wpa_config, $conf_file . '.backup'); } else { diag("No wifi_password defined, falling back to iwconfig."); my $iwlog = capture_string( 'iwconfig', # TODO: this of course is not always going to be the same... 'wlan0', 'essid', $config{wifi_ssid} ); } } =back =head1 UTILITY SUBROUTINES =over =item capture_string($cmd, @args) Return a string containing the output of a command, or log an error. =cut sub capture_string { return join "", capture_list(@_); } =item capture_list($cmd, @args) Return a list containing the output of a command, or log an error. =cut sub capture_list { my (@cmd) = @_; my ($success, $error_message, $full_buf, $stdout_buf, $stderr_buf) = run(command => \@cmd, verbose => 0); if ($success) { return @$full_buf; } else { diag('error', $error_message); } } =item parse_config($path_to_file) Grab a hash of configuration options out of some text file, formatted like so: key1=value key2=value2 =cut sub parse_config { my %config; my ($config_path) = @_; my $config_str = get_file($config_path); # Crude dos2unix: $config_str =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; while ($config_str =~ m{^([a-z_]+) = (.*?)$}ixmg) { my $key = lc($1); # normalize to lowercase my $value = $2; $config{$key} = $value; } return %config; } =item get_file($path_to_file) Returns the contents of a given file as a string. =cut sub get_file { my ($path) = @_; if (! -e $path) { die "$path doesn't appear to exist." } local $/ = undef; open my $fh, '<', $path or die "Failed opening $path: $!"; my $contents = <$fh>; close $fh; return $contents; } =item put_file($path, $content) Put $content in the file at $path. =cut sub put_file { my ($path, $content, $backup_path) = @_; # Handle one-time backups - this could use some rethinking. if (defined $backup_path) { if (! -e $backup_path) { if (-e $path) { my $old_contents = get_file($path); put_file($backup_path, $old_contents); } } } open my $fh, '>', $path or die "Failed opening $path: $!"; print $fh $content; close $fh; } =item is_installed_package($package_name) Check whether a given package is installed. =cut sub is_installed_package { my ($package_name) = @_; my $query_result = capture_string( 'dpkg-query', '-W', '-f', '${Status}', $package_name ); return ($query_result =~ /install ok installed/); } =item install_package($package_name) Ensure that a given package is installed. Should be idempotent. Returns a status string and, if action taken, an install log. =cut sub install_package { my ($package_name) = @_; return 'already-installed' if is_installed_package($package_name); my @install_log = capture_list( 'apt-get', '-y', 'install', $package_name ); return ('installed', @install_log); } =item uninstall_package($package_name) Ensure that a given package is not installed. Should be idempotent. Returns a status string and, if action taken, an uninstall log. =cut sub uninstall_package { my ($package_name) = @_; return 'already-uninstalled' unless is_installed_package($package_name); my @install_log = capture_list( 'apt-get', '-y', 'remove', $package_name ); return ('uninstalled', @install_log); } =item get_blurb() Return a useful blurb for inclusion in config file comments. =cut sub get_blurb { return "This file is managed by $OCCI_CONFIG"; } =item diag(@columns) Print columns of diagnostic output. Use diag_push() to add a level of indentation, and diag_pop() to remove it. =cut { # Cheesy retention of state: my @diag_stack = (); sub diag { my (@cols) = @_; print join " :: ", (@diag_stack, @cols); print "\n"; } sub diag_push { my ($value) = @_; push @diag_stack, $value; } sub diag_pop { pop @diag_stack; } } =item have_config_or_exit($path) Check that a given config file exists, and exit with some documentation if not. =cut sub have_config_or_exit { my ($file) = @_; return 1 if -f $file; print STDERR <<"HELPTEXT"; It looks like you don't have a $OCCI_CONFIG yet. In order to create one: sudo nano $OCCI_CONFIG And then add configuration keys like: hostname=somepi See /usr/share/doc/occi/occidentalis_example.txt for a full example. HELPTEXT exit 0; } =item install() Install occi systemwide, including systemd service for running at startup. =cut sub install { diag_push('install'); # Copy this script to /usr/local/bin: my $src_path = __FILE__; my $install_path = '/usr/local/bin/' . basename($src_path); if (copy($src_path, $install_path)) { diag("copied $src_path -> /usr/local/bin"); capture_string("chmod a+x $install_path"); } else { diag( "copy of $src_path to /usr/local/bin failed - do you need to use sudo?" ); exit(1); } # Create a /boot/occidentalis.txt if it doesn't exist: if (-e $OCCI_CONFIG) { diag("Found existing $OCCI_CONFIG"); } else { diag("Creating example $OCCI_CONFIG"); my $occi_text = <<"INI"; # Lines with a leading "#" are comments. Blank lines are ignored. # Uncomment below to set hostname: # hostname=somepi # Uncomment below to configure a wireless network: # wifi_ssid=somewifinetwork # wifi_password=somepassword INI put_file($OCCI_CONFIG, $occi_text); } # 3. set up systemd to run this file my $unit_path = '/etc/systemd/system/occi.service'; my $unit_text = <<"SYSTEMD"; [Unit] Description=Adafruit Occidentalis Configuration Helper for Raspberry Pi [Service] ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/occi [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target SYSTEMD diag("Writing $unit_path"); put_file($unit_path, $unit_text); capture_string("chmod 664 $unit_path"); diag('Enabling occi.service'); capture_string('systemctl daemon-reload'); capture_string('systemctl enable occi.service'); diag_pop(); } =back =head1 AUTHOR Brennen Bearnes Todd Treece =head1 COPYING The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015 Adafruit Industries Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =cut