PHP Universal Feed Generator
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

856 lines
22 KiB

namespace FeedWriter\View;
use \DateTime;
use \FeedWriter\Item;
* Copyright (C) 2008 Anis uddin Ahmad <>
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Michael Bemmerl <>
* This file is part of the "Universal Feed Writer" project.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
// RSS 0.90 Officially obsoleted by 1.0
// RSS 0.91, 0.92, 0.93 and 0.94 Officially obsoleted by 2.0
// So, define constants for RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0 and ATOM
* Universal Feed Writer class
* Generate RSS 1.0, RSS2.0 and ATOM Feeds
* @package UniversalFeedWriter
* @author Anis uddin Ahmad <>
* @link
abstract class SyndicationBase
const RSS1 = 'RSS 1.0';
const RSS2 = 'RSS 2.0';
const ATOM = 'ATOM';
* Collection of all channel elements
private $channels = array();
* Collection of items as object of \FeedWriter\Item class.
private $items = array();
* Store some other version wise data
private $data = array();
* The tag names which have to encoded as CDATA
private $CDATAEncoding = array();
* Collection of XML namespaces
private $namespaces = array();
* Contains the format of this feed.
private $version = null;
* Constructor
* If no version is given, a feed in RSS 2.0 format will be generated.
* @param constant the version constant (RSS1/RSS2/ATOM).
protected function __construct($version = self::RSS2)
$this->version = $version;
// Setting default value for essential channel elements
$this->channels['title'] = $version . ' Feed';
$this->channels['link'] = '';
// Add some default XML namespaces
$this->namespaces['content'] = '';
$this->namespaces['wfw'] = '';
$this->namespaces['atom'] = '';
$this->namespaces['rdf'] = '';
$this->namespaces['rss1'] = '';
$this->namespaces['dc'] = '';
$this->namespaces['sy'] = '';
//Tag names to encode in CDATA
$this->CDATAEncoding = array('description', 'content:encoded', 'summary');
// Start # public functions ---------------------------------------------
* Adds a channel element indicating the program used to generate the feed.
* @return void
public function addGenerator()
if ($this->version == static::ATOM)
$this->setChannelElement('atom:generator', 'FeedWriter', array('uri' => ''));
else if ($this->version == static::RSS2)
$this->setChannelElement('generator', 'FeedWriter');
throw new Exception('The generator element is not supported in RSS1 feeds.');
return $this;
* Add a XML namespace to the internal list of namespaces. After that,
* custom channel elements can be used properly to generate a valid feed.
* @access public
* @param string namespace prefix
* @param string namespace name (URI)
* @return void
* @link
public function addNamespace($prefix, $uri)
$this->namespaces[$prefix] = $uri;
return $this;
* Add a channel element to the feed.
* @access public
* @param string name of the channel tag
* @param string content of the channel tag
* @param bool TRUE if this element can appear multiple times
* @return void
public function setChannelElement($elementName, $content, $multiple = false)
if ($multiple === TRUE)
$this->channels[$elementName][] = $content;
$this->channels[$elementName] = $content;
return $this;
* Set multiple channel elements from an array. Array elements
* should be 'channelName' => 'channelContent' format.
* @access public
* @param array array of channels
* @return void
public function setChannelElementsFromArray($elementArray)
if (!is_array($elementArray))
foreach ($elementArray as $elementName => $content)
$this->setChannelElement($elementName, $content);
return $this;
* Get the appropriate MIME type string for the current feed.
* @access public
* @return string
public function getMIMEType()
case static::RSS2 : $mimeType = "application/rss+xml";
case static::RSS1 : $mimeType = "application/rdf+xml";
case static::ATOM : $mimeType = "application/atom+xml";
default : $mimeType = "text/xml";
return $mimeType;
* Print the actual RSS/ATOM file
* Sets a Content-Type header and echoes the contents of the feed.
* Should only be used in situations where direct output is desired;
* if you need to pass a string around, use generateFeed() instead.
* @access public
* @param bool FALSE if the specific feed media type should be sent.
* @return void
public function printFeed($useGenericContentType = false)
$contentType = "text/xml";
if (!$useGenericContentType)
$contentType = $this->getMIMEType();
header("Content-Type: " . $contentType);
echo $this->generateFeed();
* Generate the feed.
* @access public
* @return string
public function generateFeed()
return $this->makeHeader()
. $this->makeChannels()
. $this->makeItems()
. $this->makeFooter();
* Create a new Item.
* @access public
* @return object instance of Item class
public function createNewItem()
$Item = new Item($this->version);
return $Item;
* Add a FeedItem to the main class
* @access public
* @param Item instance of Item class
* @return void
public function addItem(Item $feedItem)
if ($feedItem->getVersion() != $this->version)
throw new Exception('Feed type mismatch: This instance can handle ' . $this->version . ' feeds only, but item with type ' . $feedItem->getVersion() . ' given.');
$this->items[] = $feedItem;
return $this;
// Wrapper functions -------------------------------------------------------------------
* Set the 'title' channel element
* @access public
* @param string value of 'title' channel tag
* @return void
public function setTitle($title)
return $this->setChannelElement('title', $title);
* Set the date when the ATOM feed was lastly updated.
* This adds the 'updated' element to the feed. The value of the date parameter
* can be either an instance of the DateTime class, an integer containing a UNIX
* timestamp or a string which is parseable by PHP's 'strtotime' function.
* Not supported in RSS1 feeds.
* @access public
* @param DateTime|int|string Date which should be used.
* @return void
public function setDate($date)
if ($this->version == static::RSS1)
throw new Exception('The publication date is not supported in RSS1 feeds.');
// The feeds have different date formats.
$format = $this->version == static::ATOM ? \DATE_ATOM : \DATE_RSS;
if ($date instanceof DateTime)
$date = $date->format($format);
else if(is_numeric($date) && $date >= 0)
$date = date($format, $date);
else if (is_string($date))
$date = date($format, strtotime($date));
throw new Exception('The given date was not an instance of DateTime, a UNIX timestamp or a date string.');
if ($this->version == static::ATOM)
$this->setChannelElement('updated', $date);
$this->setChannelElement('lastBuildDate', $date);
return $this;
* Set the 'description' channel element
* @access public
* @param string value of 'description' channel tag
* @return void
public function setDescription($description)
if ($this->version != static::ATOM)
$this->setChannelElement('description', $description);
return $this;
* Set the 'link' channel element
* @access public
* @param string value of 'link' channel tag
* @return void
public function setLink($link)
return $this->setChannelElement('link', $link);
* Set custom 'link' channel elements.
* In ATOM feeds, only one link with alternate relation and the same combination of
* type and hreflang values.
* @access public
* @param string URI of this link
* @param string relation type of the resource
* @param string media type of the target resource
* @param string language of the resource
* @param string human-readable information about the resource
* @param int length of the resource in bytes
* @link
* @link
public function setAtomLink($href, $rel = null, $type = null, $hreflang = null, $title = null, $length = null)
$data = array('href' => $href);
if ($rel != null)
if (!is_string($rel) || empty($rel))
throw new Exception('rel parameter must be a string and a valid relation identifier.');
$data['rel'] = $rel;
if ($type != null)
// Regex used from RFC 4287, page 41
if (!is_string($type) || preg_match('/.+\/.+/', $type) != 1)
throw new Exception('type parameter must be a string and a MIME type.');
$data['type'] = $type;
if ($hreflang != null)
// Regex used from RFC 4287, page 41
if (!is_string($hreflang) || preg_match('/[A-Za-z]{1,8}(-[A-Za-z0-9]{1,8})*/', $hreflang) != 1)
throw new Exception('hreflang parameter must be a string and a valid language code.');
$data['hreflang'] = $hreflang;
if ($title != null)
if (!is_string($title) || empty($title))
throw new Exception('title parameter must be a string and not empty.');
$data['title'] = $title;
if ($length != null)
if (!is_int($length) || $length < 0)
throw new Exception('length parameter must be a positive integer.');
$data['length'] = (string)$length;
// ATOM spec. has some restrictions on atom:link usage
// See RFC 4287, page 12 (4.1.1)
if ($this->version == static::ATOM)
foreach($this->channels as $key => $value)
if ($key != 'atom:link')
// $value is an array , so check every element
foreach($value as $linkItem)
// Only one link with relation alternate and same hreflang & type is allowed.
if (@$linkItem['rel'] == 'alternate' && @$linkItem['hreflang'] == $hreflang && @$linkItem['type'] == $type)
throw new Exception('The feed must not contain more than one link element with a relation of "alternate"'
. ' that has the same combination of type and hreflang attribute values.');
return $this->setChannelElement('atom:link', $data, true);
* Set an 'atom:link' channel element with relation=self attribute.
* Needs the full URL to this feed.
* @link
* @access public
* @param string URL to this feed
* @return void
public function setSelfLink($url)
return $this->setAtomLink($url, 'self', $this->getMIMEType());
* Set the 'image' channel element
* @access public
* @param string title of image
* @param string link url of the image
* @param string path url of the image
* @return void
public function setImage($title, $link, $url)
return $this->setChannelElement('image', array('title'=>$title, 'link'=>$link, 'url'=>$url));
* Set the 'about' channel element. Only for RSS 1.0
* @access public
* @param string value of 'about' channel tag
* @return void
public function setChannelAbout($url)
$this->data['ChannelAbout'] = $url;
return $this;
* Generate an UUID.
* The UUID is based on an MD5 hash. If no key is given, a unique ID as the input
* for the MD5 hash is generated.
* @author Anis uddin Ahmad <>
* @param string optional key on which the UUID is generated
* @param string an optional prefix
* @return string the formated UUID
public static function uuid($key = null, $prefix = '')
$key = ($key == null) ? uniqid(rand()) : $key;
$chars = md5($key);
$uuid = substr($chars,0,8) . '-';
$uuid .= substr($chars,8,4) . '-';
$uuid .= substr($chars,12,4) . '-';
$uuid .= substr($chars,16,4) . '-';
$uuid .= substr($chars,20,12);
return $prefix . $uuid;
// End # public functions ----------------------------------------------
// Start # private functions ----------------------------------------------
* Returns all used XML namespace prefixes in this instance.
* This includes all channel elements and feed items.
* Unfortunately some namespace prefixes are not included,
* because they are hardcoded, e.g. rdf.
* @access private
* @return array Array with namespace prefix as value.
private function getNamespacePrefixes()
$prefixes = array();
// Get all tag names from channel elements...
$tags = array_keys($this->channels);
// ... and now all names from feed items
foreach ($this->items as $item)
$tags = array_merge($tags, array_keys($item->getElements()));
// Look for prefixes in those tag names
foreach($tags as $tag)
$elements = explode(':', $tag);
if (count($elements) != 2)
$prefixes[] = $elements[0];
return array_unique($prefixes);
* Returns the XML header and root element, depending on the feed type.
* @access private
* @return void
private function makeHeader()
$out = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . PHP_EOL;
$prefixes = $this->getNamespacePrefixes();
$attributes = array();
$tagName = '';
$defaultNamespace = '';
if($this->version == static::RSS2)
$tagName = 'rss';
$attributes['version'] = '2.0';
elseif($this->version == static::RSS1)
$tagName = 'rdf:RDF';
$prefixes[] = 'rdf';
$defaultNamespace = $this->namespaces['rss1'];
else if($this->version == static::ATOM)
$tagName = 'feed';
$defaultNamespace = $this->namespaces['atom'];
// Ugly hack to remove the 'atom' value from the prefixes array.
$prefixes = array_flip($prefixes);
$prefixes = array_flip($prefixes);
// Iterate through every namespace prefix and add it to the element attributes.
foreach($prefixes as $prefix)
if (!isset($this->namespaces[$prefix]))
throw new Exception('Unknown XML namespace prefix: \'' . $prefix . '\'. Use the addNamespace method to add support for this prefix.');
$attributes['xmlns:' . $prefix] = $this->namespaces[$prefix];
// Include default namepsace, if required
if (!empty($defaultNamespace))
$attributes['xmlns'] = $defaultNamespace;
$out .= $this->makeNode($tagName, '', $attributes, true);
return $out;
* Closes the open tags at the end of file
* @access private
* @return void
private function makeFooter()
if($this->version == static::RSS2)
return '</channel>' . PHP_EOL . '</rss>';
elseif($this->version == static::RSS1)
return '</rdf:RDF>';
else if($this->version == static::ATOM)
return '</feed>';
* Creates a single node in XML format
* @access private
* @param string name of the tag
* @param mixed tag value as string or array of nested tags in 'tagName' => 'tagValue' format
* @param array Attributes (if any) in 'attrName' => 'attrValue' format
* @param string True if the end tag should be omitted. Defaults to false.
* @return string formatted xml tag
private function makeNode($tagName, $tagContent, $attributes = null, $omitEndTag = false)
$nodeText = '';
$attrText = '';
if(is_array($attributes) && count($attributes) > 0)
foreach ($attributes as $key => $value)
$value = htmlspecialchars($value);
$attrText .= " $key=\"$value\"";
if(is_array($tagContent) && $this->version == static::RSS1)
$attrText = ' rdf:parseType="Resource"';
$attrText .= (in_array($tagName, $this->CDATAEncoding) && $this->version == static::ATOM) ? ' type="html"' : '';
$nodeText .= "<{$tagName}{$attrText}>";
$nodeText .= (in_array($tagName, $this->CDATAEncoding)) ? '<![CDATA[' : '';
foreach ($tagContent as $key => $value)
$nodeText .= $this->makeNode($key, $value);
$nodeText .= (in_array($tagName, $this->CDATAEncoding)) ? $this->sanitizeCDATA($tagContent) : htmlspecialchars($tagContent);
$nodeText .= (in_array($tagName, $this->CDATAEncoding)) ? ']]>' : '';
if (!$omitEndTag)
$nodeText .= "</$tagName>";
$nodeText .= PHP_EOL;
return $nodeText;
* Make the channels.
* @access private
* @return void
private function makeChannels()
$out = '';
//Start channel tag
switch ($this->version)
case static::RSS2:
$out .= '<channel>' . PHP_EOL;
case static::RSS1:
$out .= (isset($this->data['ChannelAbout']))? "<channel rdf:about=\"{$this->data['ChannelAbout']}\">" : "<channel rdf:about=\"{$this->channels['link']}\">";
//Print Items of channel
foreach ($this->channels as $key => $value)
// ATOM feed needs some special handling
if ($this->version == static::ATOM)
// Strip all ATOM namespace prefixes from tags. Not needed here, because the ATOM namespace name is
// used as default namespace.
if (strncmp($key, 'atom', 4) == 0)
$key = substr($key, 5);
if ($key == 'link')
if (is_array($value))
// $value is an array containing multiple atom:link element attributes
foreach($value as $attributes)
// $attributes contains actually the node attributes, not the value.
$out .= $this->makeNode($key, '', $attributes);
// ATOM prints link element as href attribute
$out .= $this->makeNode($key, '', array('href' => $value));
//Add the id for ATOM
$out .= $this->makeNode('id', static::uuid($value, 'urn:uuid:'));
$out .= $this->makeNode($key, $value);
if ($key == 'atom:link')
// $value is an array containing multiple atom:link element attributes
foreach($value as $attributes)
// $attributes contains actually the node attributes, not the value.
$out .= $this->makeNode($key, '', $attributes);
$out .= $this->makeNode($key, $value);
//RSS 1.0 have special tag <rdf:Seq> with channel
if($this->version == static::RSS1)
$out .= "<items>" . PHP_EOL . "<rdf:Seq>" . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($this->items as $item)
$thisItems = $item->getElements();
$out .= "<rdf:li resource=\"{$thisItems['link']['content']}\"/>" . PHP_EOL;
$out .= "</rdf:Seq>" . PHP_EOL . "</items>" . PHP_EOL . "</channel>" . PHP_EOL;
return $out;
* Prints formatted feed items
* @access private
* @return void
private function makeItems()
$out = '';
foreach ($this->items as $item)
$thisItems = $item->getElements();
// the argument is printed as rdf:about attribute of item in rss 1.0
$out .= $this->startItem($thisItems['link']['content']);
foreach ($thisItems as $feedItem)
$name = $feedItem['name'];
// Strip all ATOM namespace prefixes from tags when feed is an ATOM feed.
// Not needed here, because the ATOM namespace name is used as default namespace.
if ($this->version == static::ATOM && strncmp($name, 'atom', 4) == 0)
$name = substr($name, 5);
$out .= $this->makeNode($name, $feedItem['content'], $feedItem['attributes']);
$out .= $this->endItem();
return $out;
* Make the starting tag of channels
* @access private
* @param string The vale of about tag which is used for RSS 1.0 only.
* @return void
private function startItem($about = false)
$out = '';
if($this->version == static::RSS2)
$out .= '<item>' . PHP_EOL;
else if($this->version == static::RSS1)
$out .= "<item rdf:about=\"$about\">" . PHP_EOL;
throw new Exception("link element is not set - It's required for RSS 1.0 to be used as the about attribute of the item tag.");
else if($this->version == static::ATOM)
$out .= "<entry>" . PHP_EOL;
return $out;
* Closes feed item tag
* @access private
* @return void
private function endItem()
if($this->version == static::RSS2 || $this->version == static::RSS1)
return '</item>' . PHP_EOL;
else if($this->version == static::ATOM)
return '</entry>' . PHP_EOL;
* Sanitizes data which will be later on returned as CDATA in the feed.
* A "]]>" respectively "<![CDATA" in the data would break the CDATA in the
* XML, so the brackets are converted to a HTML entity.
* @access private
* @param string Data to be sanitized
* @return string Sanitized data
private function sanitizeCDATA($text)
$text = str_replace("]]>", "]]&gt;", $text);
$text = str_replace("<![CDATA[", "&lt;![CDATA[", $text);
return $text;
// End # private functions ----------------------------------------------
} // end of class Feed