Yamek Hernandez Diaz
- Specifying Feed::createNewItem return data type for IDE completion.
(cherry picked from commit d4913ed)
10 years ago
Replace invalid xml utf-8 chars in tag contents including in attribute values.
Feed::utf8_for_xml() method used in the Feed::makeNode() method.
10 years ago
Replace invalid xml utf-8 chars in tag contents.
10 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Some fixes and additions in the DocBlock.
10 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Added method chaining for setPagination method.
10 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Pagination is now done by internally invoking setAtomLink.
This also makes pagination work with RSS1 feeds. The method parameter for the feed URL itself was removed, because RFC 5005 only specifies the other four link relations. The URL to the feed can be set with the setSelfLink method.
10 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Documentation of new method parameter.
10 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Support for attributes in channel elements. This is a possible fix for #18 .
10 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Documentation and error handling of pagination methods.
10 years ago
Julian Bogdani
URL can not be empty, or false
10 years ago
Julian Bogdani
Added optional setPagination method that gives the possibility to add pagination links to feed pages (as described in http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5005#section-3 ).
10 years ago
Brandtley McMinn
Added 'addCDATAEncoding' method
- 'addCDATAEncoding' accepts array of properties that are added to
'\Feed->CDATAEncoding' array
- provides more flexibility for folks that need finer control over the
way property values are rendered
10 years ago
Kristián Valentín
fixes attribute's default value
RSS2 constant is defined under Feed class
11 years ago
Kristián Valentín
fixes class name
classes that are not part of the class namespace should have qualified names
11 years ago
Kristián Valentín
applies PSR-1 and PSR-2 coding standards
11 years ago
Baptiste Fontaine
Added the ability to choose the value of the feed’s 'encoding' attribute.
11 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Trap unparseable date strings.
12 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Tabified spaces
12 years ago
Michael Robinson
Add return $this to allow chaining
12 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Bugfix: Filter atom namespace prefixes also in feed items.
12 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
setDate method supports RSS2 feeds now. New method addGenerator for some advertising.
12 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Some updates to the setDate method, both to code and documentation.
Since this project requires PHP >= 5.3 anyway, the check for this version is not needed anymore in Item.php.
12 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Some documentation fixes and additions for phpdoc
12 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Built-in support for author elements in RSS2 feeds.
This was previously already possible by using the custom addElement function.
12 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Added a check for a restriction in the ATOM specification regarding the number of atom:link entites.
12 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Implemented function to add multiple custom link elements. This fixes #10 .
12 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Implemented function to add custom XML namespaces. This fixes #9 .
The namespace prefix and name can be set by invoking the addNamespace method of the Feed class.
12 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Added support for atom:link elements with relation=self. Fixes #5
See http://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/warning/MissingAtomSelfLink.html
12 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Renamed the getContentType() method.
It's actually the MIME type which is returned and then used for the HTTP Content-Type header field.
12 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Fixed attribute string: Removed double whitespace between the key-value pairs.
12 years ago
Brennen Bearnes
break out feed types; add printFeed(); namespace everything
A minimal set of changes to support PSR-0-style autoloading:
- rename base class to \FeedWriter\Feed and FeedItem to \FeedWriter\Item
- break types out into \FeedWriter\ATOM, \FeedWriter\RSS1, and
- use class constants for versions
- make generateFeed() return a string rather than doing any IO itself
- add printFeed() to do output, if needed
My rationale for the last 2 items on that list is that our web framework
expects me to pass around strings, not do direct IO. I imagine needing
to grab the output and stash it in a variable or what-have-you is
a common use case, and it felt silly to have to wrap this in an
output buffer to accomplish that.
12 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Added wrapper classes for each feed type. Fixes #2 .
The FeedWriter class is now abstract, which means it is not possible to directly create an instance of it. Use the new wrapper classes in FeedTypes.php instead. This also obsoletes the constructor's version parameter for end-users.
12 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Removed __DIR__ constant for compatibility with PHP < 5.3
13 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Some data integrity checks on public method addItem():
* Only accept instances of FeedItem
* Only accept instances of FeedItem with the same feed type
13 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Some small changes:
* Fixed spelling mistakes
* All \n's were replaced by PHP_EOL's
13 years ago
Phil Freo
making feeditem require path absolute
14 years ago
Phil Freo
Using class_exists and require instead of require_once because of performance improvements in relationship to APC.
APC shouldn't have to open files more than once, but it does if you use require_once instead of require. More details here:
14 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Encode special chars in XML attributes, which would otherwise break the XML.
14 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Removed the PHP closing braket in FeedItem.php. Otherwise the line ending would be printed when require'ing the FeedItem.php.
14 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Removed superfluous whitespaces.
14 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Removed duplicated code
14 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Some cosmetic fixes
14 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Fixed error message formatting.
14 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Sanitize user input which contains <![CDATA[ ... ]]>, which would otherwise break the XML.
14 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Reactivated conversion of special chars in non-CDATA tags.
This time using htmlspecialchars instead of htmlentities, because we need a encoding for XML, not for HTML.
14 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Included FeedItem.php in FeedWriter.php.
So this has now not to be done by the user. Another benefit of this change: The examples do work now. ;-)
14 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Added copyright and license notices (GPL) to all files
14 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Fixed 'Content-Type' header field spelling.
14 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Fixed some typo's and added comments.
14 years ago
Michael Bemmerl
Set the feed update date for ATOM validity.
(SVN import from repo. "www" @ revision 615, made by "Michi" on Oktober 31, 2010 (02:39:15))
14 years ago