from adafruit_blinka import Enum, Lockable, agnostic class I2C(Lockable): def __init__(self, scl, sda, frequency=400000): self.init(scl, sda, frequency) def init(self, scl, sda, frequency): self.deinit() from machine import I2C as _I2C from import i2cPorts for portId, portScl, portSda in i2cPorts: if scl == portScl and sda == portSda: self._i2c = I2C(portId, mode=_I2C.MASTER, baudrate=frequency) break else: raise NotImplementedError("No Hardware I2C on (scl,sda)={}\nValid UART ports".format( (scl, sda), i2cPorts)) def deinit(self): try: del self._i2c except AttributeError: pass def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.deinit() def scan(self): return self._i2c.scan() def readfrom_into(self, address, buffer, start=0, end=None): if start is not 0 or end is not None: if end is None: end = len(buffer) buffer = memoryview(buffer)[start:end] stop = True # remove for efficiency later return self._i2c.readfrom_into(address, buffer, stop) def writeto(self, address, buffer, start=0, end=None, stop=True): if start is not 0 or end is not None: if end is None: return self._i2c.writeto(address, memoryview(buffer)[start:], stop) else: return self._i2c.writeto(address, memoryview(buffer)[start:end], stop) return self._i2c.writeto(address, buffer, stop) class SPI(Lockable): def __init__(self, clock, MOSI=None, MISO=None): from import spiPorts for portId, portSck, portMosi, portMiso in spiPorts: if clock == portSck and MOSI == portMosi and MISO == portMiso: self._spi = SPI(portId) self._pins = (portSck, portMosi, portMiso) break else: raise NotImplementedError( "No Hardware SPI on (clock, MOSI, MISO)={}\nValid SPI ports:{}". format((clock, MOSI, MISO), spiPorts)) def configure(self, baudrate=100000, polarity=0, phase=0, bits=8): if self._locked: from machine import Pin # TODO check if #init ignores MOSI=None rather than unsetting, to save _pinIds attribute self._spi.init( baudrate=baudrate, polarity=polarity, phase=phase, bits=bits, firstbit=SPI.MSB, sck=Pin(self._pins[0].id), mosi=Pin(self._pins[1].id), miso=Pin(self._pins[2].id) ) else: raise RuntimeError("First call try_lock()") def deinit(self): self._spi = None self._pinIds = None def write(self, buf): return self._spi.write(buf) def readinto(self, buf): return self.readinto(buf) def write_readinto(self, buffer_out, buffer_in): return self.write_readinto(buffer_out, buffer_in) class UART(Lockable): class Parity(Enum): pass Parity.ODD = Parity() Parity.EVEN = Parity() def __init__(self, tx, rx, baudrate=9600, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1, timeout=1000, receiver_buffer_size=64, flow=None): from machine import UART as _UART from import uartPorts self.baudrate = baudrate if flow is not None: # default 0 raise NotImplementedError( "Parameter '{}' unsupported on {}".format( "flow", agnostic.board)) # translate parity flag for Micropython if parity is UART.Parity.ODD: parity = 1 elif parity is UART.Parity.EVEN: parity = 0 elif parity is None: pass else: raise ValueError("Invalid parity") # check tx and rx have hardware support for portId, portTx, portRx in uartPorts: # if portTx == tx and portRx == rx: self._uart = _UART( portId, baudrate, bits=bits, parity=parity, stop=stop, timeout=timeout, read_buf_len=receiver_buffer_size ) break else: raise NotImplementedError( "No Hardware UART on (tx,rx)={}\nValid UART ports".format( (tx, rx), uartPorts)) def deinit(self): self._uart = None def read(self, nbytes=None): return def readinto(self, buf, nbytes=None): return self._uart.readinto(buf, nbytes) def readline(self): return self._uart.readline() def write(self, buf): return self._uart.write(buf)