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860 B

6 years ago
  1. # This is a common .travis.yml for generating library release zip files for
  2. # CircuitPython library releases using circuitpython-build-tools.
  3. # See for detailed setup
  4. # instructions.
  5. dist: trusty
  6. sudo: false
  7. language: python
  8. python:
  9. - "3.6"
  10. cache:
  11. pip: true
  12. deploy:
  13. provider: releases
  14. api_key: $GITHUB_TOKEN
  15. file_glob: true
  16. file: bundles/*
  17. skip_cleanup: true
  18. overwrite: true
  19. on:
  20. tags: true
  21. install:
  22. - pip install pylint circuitpython-build-tools Sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme
  23. script:
  24. - pylint
  25. - ([[ ! -d "examples" ]] || pylint --disable=missing-docstring,invalid-name,bad-whitespace examples/*.py)
  26. - circuitpython-build-bundles --filename_prefix adafruit-circuitpython-blinka --library_location .
  27. - cd docs && sphinx-build -E -W -b html . _build/html