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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Alec Delaney for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
requires = [
name = "Adafruit-PlatformDetect"
description = "Platform detection for use by libraries like Adafruit-Blinka."
version = "0.0.0+auto.0"
readme = "README.rst"
authors = [
{name = "Adafruit Industries", email = ""}
urls = {Homepage = ""}
license = {text = "MIT"}
"Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
"Intended Audience :: Developers",
"Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries",
"Topic :: System :: Hardware",
"License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7",
dynamic = ["dependencies"]
packages = ["adafruit_platformdetect", "adafruit_platformdetect.constants"]
dependencies = {file = ["requirements.txt"]}