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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Melissa LeBlanc-Williams for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Detect boards
* Author(s): Melissa LeBlanc-Williams
Implementation Notes
**Software and Dependencies:**
* Linux and Python 3.7 or Higher
import os
import re
from typing import Optional
except ImportError:
from adafruit_platformdetect.constants import boards, chips
__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = ""
class Board:
"""Attempt to detect specific boards."""
def __init__(self, detector) -> None:
self.detector = detector
self._board_id = None
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, protected-access, too-many-return-statements
def id(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Return a unique id for the detected board, if any."""
# There are some times we want to trick the platform detection
# say if a raspberry pi doesn't have the right ID, or for testing
# Caching
if self._board_id:
return self._board_id
return os.environ["BLINKA_FORCEBOARD"]
except (AttributeError, KeyError): # no forced board, continue with testing!
chip_id =
board_id = None
if chip_id == chips.H3:
board_id = self._armbian_id() or self._allwinner_variants_id()
elif chip_id == chips.BCM2XXX:
board_id = self._pi_id()
elif chip_id == chips.AM33XX:
board_id = self._beaglebone_id()
elif chip_id == chips.DRA74X:
board_id = self._bbai_id()
elif chip_id == chips.SUN8I:
board_id = self._armbian_id() or self._allwinner_variants_id()
elif chip_id == chips.SAMA5:
board_id = self._sama5_id()
elif chip_id == chips.IMX8MX:
board_id = self._imx8mx_id()
elif chip_id == chips.IMX6ULL:
board_id = self._imx6ull_id()
elif chip_id == chips.ESP8266:
board_id = boards.FEATHER_HUZZAH
elif chip_id == chips.SAMD21:
board_id = boards.FEATHER_M0_EXPRESS
elif chip_id == chips.STM32F405:
board_id = boards.PYBOARD
elif chip_id == chips.RP2040:
board_id = boards.RASPBERRY_PI_PICO
elif chip_id == chips.S805:
board_id = boards.ODROID_C1
elif chip_id == chips.S905:
board_id = boards.ODROID_C2
elif chip_id == chips.S905X3:
board_id = boards.ODROID_C4
elif chip_id == chips.S922X:
board_id = boards.ODROID_N2
elif chip_id == chips.A311D:
board_id = boards.KHADAS_VIM3
elif chip_id == chips.EXYNOS5422:
board_id = boards.ODROID_XU4
elif chip_id == chips.FT232H:
board_id = boards.FTDI_FT232H
elif chip_id == chips.FT2232H:
board_id = boards.FTDI_FT2232H
elif chip_id == chips.APQ8016:
board_id = boards.DRAGONBOARD_410C
elif chip_id in (chips.T210, chips.T186, chips.T194):
board_id = self._tegra_id()
elif chip_id == chips.HFU540:
board_id = self._sifive_id()
elif chip_id == chips.C906:
board_id = self._allwinner_id()
elif chip_id == chips.JH71x0:
board_id = self._beaglebone_id()
elif chip_id == chips.MCP2221:
board_id = boards.MICROCHIP_MCP2221
elif chip_id == chips.BINHO:
board_id = boards.BINHO_NOVA
elif chip_id == chips.LPC4330:
board_id = boards.GREATFET_ONE
elif chip_id == chips.MIPS24KC:
board_id = boards.ONION_OMEGA
elif chip_id == chips.MIPS24KEC:
board_id = boards.ONION_OMEGA2
elif chip_id == chips.ZYNQ7000:
board_id = self._pynq_id()
elif chip_id == chips.A64:
board_id = self._pine64_id()
elif chip_id == chips.H6:
board_id = self._pine64_id() or self._armbian_id()
elif chip_id == chips.H5:
board_id = self._armbian_id() or self._allwinner_variants_id()
elif chip_id == chips.H616:
board_id = self._armbian_id() or self._allwinner_variants_id()
elif chip_id == chips.A33:
board_id = self._clockwork_pi_id()
elif chip_id == chips.RK3308:
board_id = self._rock_pi_id()
elif chip_id == chips.RK3399:
board_id = self._rock_pi_id()
elif chip_id == chips.ATOM_X5_Z8350:
board_id = self._rock_pi_id()
elif chip_id == chips.RK3288:
board_id = self._asus_tinker_board_id()
elif chip_id == chips.RK3328:
board_id = self._rock_pi_id()
elif chip_id == chips.RYZEN_V1605B:
board_id = self._udoo_id()
elif chip_id == chips.PENTIUM_N3710:
board_id = self._udoo_id()
elif chip_id == chips.STM32MP157:
board_id = self._stm32mp1_id()
elif chip_id == chips.MT8167:
board_id = boards.CORAL_EDGE_TPU_DEV_MINI
elif chip_id == chips.RP2040_U2IF:
board_id = self._rp2040_u2if_id()
elif chip_id == chips.GENERIC_X86:
board_id = boards.GENERIC_LINUX_PC
elif chip_id == chips.TDA4VM:
board_id = self._tisk_id()
self._board_id = board_id
return board_id
# pylint: enable=invalid-name
def _pi_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Try to detect id of a Raspberry Pi."""
# Check for Pi boards:
pi_rev_code = self._pi_rev_code()
if pi_rev_code:
for model, codes in boards._PI_REV_CODES.items():
if pi_rev_code in codes:
return model
# We may be on a non-Raspbian OS, so try to lazily determine
# the version based on `get_device_model`
pi_model = self.detector.get_device_model()
if pi_model:
pi_model = pi_model.upper().replace(" ", "_")
if "PLUS" in pi_model:
re_model ="(RASPBERRY_PI_\d).*([AB]_*)(PLUS)", pi_model)
elif "CM" in pi_model: # untested for Compute Module
re_model ="(RASPBERRY_PI_CM)(\d)", pi_model)
else: # untested for non-plus models
re_model ="(RASPBERRY_PI_\d).*([AB])", pi_model)
if re_model:
pi_model = "".join(re_model.groups())
available_models = boards._PI_REV_CODES.keys()
for model in available_models:
if model == pi_model:
return model
return None
def _pi_rev_code(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Attempt to find a Raspberry Pi revision code for this board."""
# 2708 is Pi 1
# 2709 is Pi 2
# 2835 is Pi 3 (or greater) on 4.9.x kernel
# Anything else is not a Pi.
if != chips.BCM2XXX:
# Something else, not a Pi.
return None
rev = self.detector.get_cpuinfo_field("Revision")
if rev is not None:
return rev
with open("/proc/device-tree/system/linux,revision", "rb") as revision:
rev_bytes =
if rev_bytes[:1] == b"\x00":
rev_bytes = rev_bytes[1:]
return rev_bytes.hex()
except FileNotFoundError:
return None
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
def _beaglebone_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Try to detect id of a Beaglebone."""
board_value = self.detector.get_device_compatible()
# Older Builds
if "freedom-u74-arty" in board_value:
# Newer Builds
if "beaglev-starlight" in board_value:
with open("/sys/bus/nvmem/devices/0-00500/nvmem", "rb") as eeprom:
eeprom_bytes =
except FileNotFoundError:
with open("/sys/bus/nvmem/devices/0-00501/nvmem", "rb") as eeprom:
eeprom_bytes =
except FileNotFoundError:
return None
if eeprom_bytes[:4] != b"\xaaU3\xee":
return None
# special condition for BeagleBone Green rev. 1A
# refer to GitHub issue #57 in this repo for more info
if eeprom_bytes == b"\xaaU3\xeeA335BNLT\x1a\x00\x00\x00":
return boards.BEAGLEBONE_GREEN
id_string = eeprom_bytes[4:].decode("ascii")
for model, bb_ids in boards._BEAGLEBONE_BOARD_IDS.items():
for bb_id in bb_ids:
if id_string == bb_id[1]:
return model
board_value = self.detector.get_armbian_release_field("BOARD")
return None
# pylint: enable=no-self-use
def _bbai_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Try to detect id of a Beaglebone AI related board."""
board_value = self.detector.get_device_model()
if "BeagleBone AI" in board_value:
return boards.BEAGLEBONE_AI
return None
def _tisk_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Try to detect the id of aarch64 board."""
compatible = self.detector.get_device_compatible()
if not compatible:
return None
compats = compatible.split("\x00")
for board_id, board_compats in boards._TI_SK_BOARD_IDS:
if any(v in compats for v in board_compats):
return board_id
return None
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
def _armbian_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Check whether the current board is an OrangePi board."""
board_value = self.detector.get_armbian_release_field("BOARD")
board = None
if board_value == "orangepipc":
board = boards.ORANGE_PI_PC
elif board_value == "orangepi-r1":
board = boards.ORANGE_PI_R1
elif board_value == "orangepizero":
board = boards.ORANGE_PI_ZERO
elif board_value == "orangepione":
board = boards.ORANGE_PI_ONE
elif board_value == "orangepilite":
board = boards.ORANGE_PI_LITE
elif board_value == "orangepiplus2e":
board = boards.ORANGE_PI_PLUS_2E
elif board_value == "orangepipcplus":
board = boards.ORANGE_PI_PC_PLUS
elif board_value == "pinebook-a64":
board = boards.PINEBOOK
elif board_value == "pineH64":
board = boards.PINEH64
elif board_value == "orangepi2":
board = boards.ORANGE_PI_2
elif board_value == "orangepi3":
board = boards.ORANGE_PI_3
elif board_value == "orangepi3-lts":
board = boards.ORANGE_PI_3_LTS
elif board_value == "bananapim2zero":
board = boards.BANANA_PI_M2_ZERO
elif board_value == "orangepizeroplus2-h5":
board = boards.ORANGE_PI_ZERO_PLUS_2H5
elif board_value == "orangepizeroplus":
board = boards.ORANGE_PI_ZERO_PLUS
elif board_value == "orangepizero2":
board = boards.ORANGE_PI_ZERO_2
elif board_value == "nanopiair":
board = boards.NANOPI_NEO_AIR
elif board_value == "nanopiduo2":
board = boards.NANOPI_DUO2
elif board_value == "nanopineo":
board = boards.NANOPI_NEO
return board
# pylint: enable=too-many-return-statements
# pylint: enable=too-many-return-statements
def _sama5_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Check what type sama5 board."""
board_value = self.detector.get_device_model()
if "Giant Board" in board_value:
return boards.GIANT_BOARD
return None
def _stm32mp1_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Check what type stm32mp1 board."""
board_value = self.detector.get_device_model()
if "STM32MP157C-DK2" in board_value:
return boards.STM32MP157C_DK2
if "LubanCat" in board_value:
return boards.LUBANCAT_STM32MP157
if "OSD32MP1-BRK" in board_value:
return boards.OSD32MP1_BRK
if "OSD32MP1-RED" in board_value:
return boards.OSD32MP1_RED
return None
def _imx8mx_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Check what type iMX8M board."""
board_value = self.detector.get_device_model()
if "FSL i.MX8MM DDR4 EVK" in board_value:
return boards.MAAXBOARD_MINI
if "Freescale i.MX8MQ EVK" in board_value:
return boards.MAAXBOARD
if "Phanbell" in board_value:
return boards.CORAL_EDGE_TPU_DEV
return None
def _imx6ull_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Check what type iMX6ULL board."""
board_value = self.detector.get_device_model()
if "LubanCat" in board_value or "Embedfire" in board_value:
return boards.LUBANCAT_IMX6ULL
return None
def _tegra_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Try to detect the id of aarch64 board."""
compatible = self.detector.get_device_compatible()
if not compatible:
return None
compats = compatible.split("\x00")
for board_id, board_compats in boards._JETSON_IDS:
if any(v in compats for v in board_compats):
return board_id
return None
def _sifive_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Try to detect the id for Sifive RISCV64 board."""
board_value = self.detector.get_device_model()
if "hifive-unleashed-a00" in board_value:
return boards.SIFIVE_UNLEASHED
return None
def _allwinner_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Try to detect the id for Allwiner D1 board."""
board_value = self.detector.get_device_model()
if "sun20iw1p1" in board_value:
return boards.ALLWINER_D1
return None
def _pine64_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Try to detect the id for Pine64 board or device."""
board_value = self.detector.get_device_model()
board = None
if "pine64" in board_value.lower():
board = boards.PINE64
elif "pine h64" in board_value.lower():
board = boards.PINEH64
elif "pinebook" in board_value.lower():
board = boards.PINEBOOK
elif "pinephone" in board_value.lower():
board = boards.PINEPHONE
elif "sopine" in board_value.lower():
board = boards.SOPINE
return board
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
def _pynq_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Try to detect the id for Xilinx PYNQ boards."""
with open(
"/proc/device-tree/chosen/pynq_board", "r", encoding="utf-8"
) as board_file:
board_model =
match = board_model.upper().replace("-", "_").rstrip("\x00")
for model in boards._PYNQ_IDS:
if model == match:
return model
return None
except FileNotFoundError:
return None
def _rock_pi_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Check what type of Rock Pi board."""
board_value = self.detector.get_device_model()
board = None
if board_value and "ROCK Pi S" in board_value:
board = boards.ROCK_PI_S
if board_value and "ROCK PI 4" in board_value.upper():
board = boards.ROCK_PI_4
if board_value and "ROCK PI E" in board_value.upper():
board = boards.ROCK_PI_E
if self.detector.check_board_name_value() == "ROCK Pi X":
board = boards.ROCK_PI_X
return board
def _clockwork_pi_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Check what type of Clockwork Pi board."""
board_value = self.detector.get_device_model()
board = None
if board_value and "Clockwork CPI3" in board_value:
board = boards.CLOCKWORK_CPI3
return board
def _udoo_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Try to detect the id of udoo board."""
board_asset_tag = self.detector.check_board_asset_tag_value()
for board_id, board_tags in boards._UDOO_BOARD_IDS.items():
if any(v == board_asset_tag for v in board_tags):
return board_id
if self.detector.check_board_name_value() == "UDOO x86":
return boards.UDOO_X86
return None
def _asus_tinker_board_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Check what type of Tinker Board."""
board_value = self.detector.get_device_model()
board = None
if board_value and "ASUS Tinker Board" in board_value:
board = boards._ASUS_TINKER_BOARD_IDS
return board
def _allwinner_variants_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Try to detect the id of allwinner based board. (orangepi, nanopi)"""
board_value = self.detector.get_device_model()
board = None
if not board_value:
return board
board_value = board_value.lower()
chip_id =
if "nanopi" in board_value:
if "neo" in board_value and "SUN8I" in chip_id:
board = boards.NANOPI_NEO_AIR
# TODO: Add other specifc board contexts here
elif "orange pi" in board_value:
if "zero" in board_value:
if "H5" in chip_id:
board = boards.ORANGE_PI_ZERO_PLUS_2H5
elif "H616" in chip_id:
board = boards.ORANGE_PI_ZERO_2
# TODO: Add other specifc board contexts here
return board
def _rp2040_u2if_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
import hid
# look for it based on PID/VID
for dev in hid.enumerate():
# Raspberry Pi Pico
vendor = dev["vendor_id"]
product = dev["product_id"]
if vendor == 0xCAFE and product == 0x4005:
return boards.PICO_U2IF
if vendor == 0x239A:
# Feather RP2040
if product == 0x00F1:
return boards.FEATHER_U2IF
# Itsy Bitsy RP2040
if product == 0x00FD:
return boards.ITSYBITSY_U2IF
# QT Py RP2040
if product == 0x00F7:
return boards.QTPY_U2IF
# QT2040 Trinkey
if product == 0x0109:
return boards.QT2040_TRINKEY_U2IF
# MacroPad RP2040
if product == 0x0107:
return boards.MACROPAD_U2IF
# Will only reach here if a device was added in but here.
raise RuntimeError("RP2040_U2IF device was added to chip but not board.")
def any_nanopi(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is any defined Nano Pi."""
return in boards._NANOPI_IDS
def any_96boards(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is any 96boards board."""
return in boards._LINARO_96BOARDS_IDS
def any_raspberry_pi(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is any Raspberry Pi."""
return self._pi_rev_code() is not None
def any_raspberry_pi_40_pin(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is any 40-pin Raspberry Pi."""
return in boards._RASPBERRY_PI_40_PIN_IDS
def any_raspberry_pi_cm(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is any Compute Module Raspberry Pi."""
return in boards._RASPBERRY_PI_CM_IDS
def any_beaglebone(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is any Beaglebone-family system."""
return in boards._BEAGLEBONE_IDS
def any_orange_pi(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is any defined Orange Pi."""
return in boards._ORANGE_PI_IDS
def any_lubancat(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is any defined lubancat."""
return in boards._LUBANCAT_IDS
def any_coral_board(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is any defined Coral."""
return in boards._CORAL_IDS
def any_pynq_board(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is any defined PYNQ Board."""
return in boards._PYNQ_IDS
def any_giant_board(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is any defined Giant Board."""
return self.GIANT_BOARD
def any_odroid_40_pin(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is any defined 40-pin Odroid."""
return in boards._ODROID_40_PIN_IDS
def khadas_vim3_40_pin(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is any defined 40-pin Khadas VIM3."""
return in boards._KHADAS_40_PIN_IDS
def any_jetson_board(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is any defined Jetson Board."""
return in [v[0] for v in boards._JETSON_IDS]
def any_sifive_board(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is any defined Jetson Board."""
return in boards._SIFIVE_IDS
def any_onion_omega_board(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is any defined OpenWRT board."""
return in boards._ONION_OMEGA_BOARD_IDS
def any_pine64_board(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is any Pine64 device."""
return in boards._PINE64_DEV_IDS
def any_rock_pi_board(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is any Rock Pi device."""
return in boards._ROCK_PI_IDS
def any_clockwork_pi_board(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is any Clockwork Pi device."""
return self.CLOCKWORK_CPI3
def any_udoo_board(self) -> bool:
"""Check to see if the current board is an UDOO board"""
return in boards._UDOO_BOARD_IDS
def any_asus_tinker_board(self) -> bool:
"""Check to see if the current board is an ASUS Tinker Board"""
return in boards._ASUS_TINKER_BOARD_IDS
def any_stm32mp1(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is any stm32mp1 board."""
return in boards._STM32MP1_IDS
def any_bananapi(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is any BananaPi-family system."""
return in boards._BANANA_PI_IDS
def any_maaxboard(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is any BananaPi-family system."""
return in boards._MAAXBOARD_IDS
def any_tisk_board(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is any defined TI SK Board."""
return in [v[0] for v in boards._TI_SK_BOARD_IDS]
def any_embedded_linux(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is any embedded Linux device."""
return any(
def ftdi_ft232h(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is an FTDI FT232H."""
return == boards.FTDI_FT232H
def ftdi_ft2232h(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is an FTDI FT2232H."""
return == boards.FTDI_FT2232H
def microchip_mcp2221(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is a Microchip MCP2221."""
return == boards.MICROCHIP_MCP2221
def pico_u2if(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is a RPi Pico w/ u2if."""
return == boards.PICO_U2IF
def feather_u2if(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is a Feather RP2040 w/ u2if."""
return == boards.FEATHER_U2IF
def itsybitsy_u2if(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is a Itsy Bitsy w/ u2if."""
return == boards.ITSYBITSY_U2IF
def macropad_u2if(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is a MacroPad w/ u2if."""
return == boards.MACROPAD_U2IF
def qtpy_u2if(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is a QT Py w/ u2if."""
return == boards.QTPY_U2IF
def qt2040_trinkey_u2if(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is a QT Py w/ u2if."""
return == boards.QT2040_TRINKEY_U2IF
def binho_nova(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is an BINHO NOVA."""
return == boards.BINHO_NOVA
def greatfet_one(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the current board is a GreatFET One."""
return == boards.GREATFET_ONE
def __getattr__(self, attr: str) -> bool:
Detect whether the given attribute is the currently-detected board. See list
of constants at the top of this module for available options.
if == attr:
return True
return False